Chapter 33 : Rising

Start from the beginning

A gray haired man wearing a dark reddish coat hanging with a full black suit having his arms crossed and a necklace with the WGAA logo on it

Raiden : "Oh...Sir Allen"

Raiden said quite relieved and a bit surprised to see him

Allen : "So? I assume your here for her correct?"

Raiden : "Ehm...Yeah...You always manage to know huh?"

Allen : "One doesn't need to look for a reason if he knows who the person is...anyways...It's good to see you again child"

Raiden : "You too Sir Allen"

Raiden said bowing slightly before walking past him

Allen : "She'll be in her room hope you didn't forget where it is"

Raiden softly chuckled before waving...Allen just did a small smile feeling quite proud as he sees Raiden walking away

Allen : "...Heh...That Teenager has grown a lot"

Allen then continued his merry way and walked away
Raiden continued walking down the halls and looking at the doors to see where he needed to go

Raiden : "...Where are you Selena?"

Raiden continued his merry way still looking at door before finally finding the room...It had a flower on its hinges

Raiden : "There you are"

Raiden said before going to the door and knocking on the door...He heard an audible thump followed by a hasty stepping of feet

??? : "I'm coming!"

Raiden heard several footsteps and sees the door opening revealing a black haired construct

Raiden : "Hey Sele-"

Raiden got cut off when The Construct pulled him towards her and gave him a bone crushing hug signified by the crack heard

Raiden : " you too"

Selena : "Rai Rai! It's been so long!"

Raiden : "I can tell"

After that interaction...Raiden went inside and it can be seen that there were many scattered music notes in room

Raiden : "Oh have been quite busy"

Selena chuckled embarassed at her own doing

Selena : "Well...Making meaningful music takes time...I wanted it to be a more romantic tone"

Raiden : "Really?"

Selena : "Uh huh"

Selena said taking Raiden by the hand and pulling him to her table where the musical notes were intact meaning she chose those notes to play music to go along with whatever her style is for now

Raiden : "...You really have been working hard huh"

Selena nods as she grabs a note and made Raiden look at it

Selena : "You know I've been really thinking hard on this...I want it to be perfect"

Raiden : "Your such a perfectionist you know that?"

Raiden replied with an underlying sarcastic tone as he was fully expecting Selena to go full on Diva once she finished this
After a while
Selena and Raiden are in Babylonia's park hanging out

Selena : "You know...I never visited the outside much"

Raiden : "Your a shut in...yes"

Selena blushed at that and playfully punched Raiden's shoulder

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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