Nikola had almoust done it.... but now he was enjoying a pice of he's free time alone whit his "brain" and "smartness " , he had an business , and a great house...and his tower.....but he alsow have a maid , Marie Devrois , Marie was a beautiful young girl , brunette hair and dark eyes , she was smart ofcourse....when "you're " working for Nikola you catch  some information too * *Now Marie was in the house cleaning arownd *
*Nikola was sitting in his study working on some plans for a new invention. He was concentrating hard on the drawings in front of him, not realizing that Marie had entered the room and was now cleaning the window right behind him. She was singing a little tune to herself as she dusted and wiped down the surfaces in the room, her soft voice filling the air.*
"Good afternoon sir...... "
*she noded her head *
"Good afternoon, Marie. How are you today?" *Nikola looked up from his drawings to see Marie standing in the room cleaning up. He smiled at her pleasant voice and gentle demeanor.*
"I'm good.....just doing my job...."
And you're doing it very well, as always. I can always count on you to keep my home and my work space nice and organized. Thank you, Marie. *Nikola went back to his drawings, but he couldn't help but admire Marie's form as she leaned over to dust near the windowsill. She was slender and delicate, with curved hips and long legs.*
*she looks over the pappers over his desk * do you mind....if i...?
*Nikola looks up from his drawing and sees Marie looking at the plans spread out on his desk.*

Of course, Marie. Please have a look. *Nikola watches Marie carefully studying the plans. She looks so beautiful to him in that moment, her face focused and her body so elegant. Even tho Nikola didn't think she will understand something from was all physics and science .*
*Nikola smiles at her and watches her reading his notes on his new invention. He notices her soft and gentle touch as she turns the pages and her eyes scanning the words and pictures. She seemed interested to learn more. Seeing how delicate her fingers were, Nikola couldn't help but imagine those same fingers touching him.*
I'm not in measure to give my opinion... but I think you have done something wrong here *points at one of his drawing *
*Nikola looks up at Marie as she points to a drawing on his desk. He tries to focus on what she's saying, but he can't help but notice how close her body is to his. The thought of her reaching for him sends a tingling down his spine. He looks down at the drawing and sees the mistake she is pointing out.*

"You are absolutely correct, Marie. I made a mistake on that calculation.
Thank you for finding it."
*Nikola smiles at her and wonders if she knew how distracting he found her beautiful appearance to be.*
-You're not saying it to make feel better ,no?
*Marie looks down at him *
Nikola chuckles and stands up from his chair. He walks over to Marie and gently takes the plans from her hands and places them back on his desk.

-"No, Marie. You made a very good observation.
I'm not just trying to be nice. "  "Nikola touches Marie's hand as he takes the plans back and he can feel the softness of her skin.
*Nikola looks into Marie's eyes and sees the way she is reacting to his touch. She is slightly blushing and seems flustered. He can sense her attraction to him rising and the tension between them growing. He looks at her and wants to take her in his arms and kiss her lips. But first, he needs to finish what he started.*

I need to make this correction and finish this drawing. Would you like to stay and watch? *Nikola stands and walks back to his desk, motioning for Marie to follow him.*
"I'd love to....... but i have work to do "
"It won't take long, Marie. I just need to make a few changes to this plan." *Nikola sits back down at his desk and starts making corrections to the drawing. Marie stands beside him, watching as he works. He can feel her eyes on him and he looks up to see her looking at him. She smiles and touches his shoulder lightly, and Nikola's heart skips a beat.*
*she takes a chair and sits next to him *
*Nikola continues working, but now he is distracted by Marie sitting so close to him. He can smell her fragrance and feel the heat of her body. He tries to concentrate on the drawing, but he can't help but look at Marie every few moments. She looks so beautiful and he wants to touch her hair and feel her soft skin.*

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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