You have got a friend in me !

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Kate has a ritual that she did every morning and somethings in the evening too. She would stand for 5-10 mins near the ocean and just marvel at it. She thought what about the ocean called onto to her so much. 

The ocean had its own music, its own dance - like a match made in heaven.

It seemed scary at times, like it made you inhale deeply and just freeze. Like you are consuming the ocean and just storing it within yourself. "If only I could do that " thought Kate.

Sometimes she thought if she could live inside the ocean, like in some previous though she was a mermaid. Such imaginations also made her overwhelmed. Imagination has that power. But the farthest she could in the ocean was only knee deep. How much she wanted to go beyond that - only she knew. That overwhelming feeling could not be put into words.

All in all the ocean was magnificent.

She held on to that feeling and started towards work

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She held on to that feeling and started towards work.

Kate worked at "ASPIRE" and institution which was a leading organization in pharmaceutical arena. The institution was a part of a university of the same name. After passing out of college students could still continue as proteges under their teachers. While some students continued as protegees as that's what they genuinely wanted, some stayed there until they found the next step in their life. Kate was somewhat into both. 

Kate entered the Aspire building, and directly entered the cafeteria as was the ritual. Sandhya and Santosh were already in and waiting for her. Even though they knew each other for a short time, there was a beautiful bond between the trio. Sandhya looked up from her plate of Sandwich and waved her hand up to call Kate to the table. Santosh was ordering a plate of Fried Maggi. Kate sat in the table and asked Sandhya, what time she reached and Santosh sat with his plat of Maggie. They indulged then into their schedules and in between Kate took a few bites from each plates of food. They were enjoying the highs and lows of bachelor life. This friendship only it their lives even more awesome. An unspoken "You have got a friend in me" dialogue always was in their minds for each other. 


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As they spent some more time in the cafe, they decided to meet up for lunch and then decide the plan for the evening. Usually they went out for chats , Bajjis and a stroll at the beach. 

Then the trio dispersed.

Plus Est En Vous : Part 6 : KatyayaniWhere stories live. Discover now