Chapter 2: Ogre Power Part 2

Start from the beginning

1. Grasping Headbutt (Hold X)

"Just like we mentioned before, we'll be pulling moves out not just from other Shrek-based videogames, but from Shrek movies as well." So, since WWE had many headbutt moves within the industry, we'll be giving Shrek a headbutt of his own, when he used that type of strike in his first ever movie back 2001." -W

"And boy howdy, that knight must've had head trauma, or even a fractured skull. But then again, despite the fact he's a little bit bigger than humans, his green noggin must knocked that knight out cold." -B

"Which is why we're putting his Grasping Headbutt attack, as the first powerful strike of his. And to use this move when playing Shrek, just don't move your character at all, hold X, and surprise his opponents with a minor vise grip, that leads to a quick-but-powerful calculated strike that knocks his opponents to the ground." -W

2. Very European Uppercut (Move LS Up and Hold X)

"Looks like Cesaro; the King of Swing, has his own move used against him when facing the swamp-loving behemoth when he launches him into the air, and connects with a super European Uppercut. He can also utilize this move as a Catching Finisher when someone tries to attack him from the top ropes, or when he launches them into the air after an Irish Whip Rebound from the ropes." -B

3. Spinning Backfist (Move LS to the Right & Hold X)

"Bringing the mighty green, spinning backhand attack from both Shrek Super-Slam and Shrek the Third: The Game, Shrek can now use it to make his enemies believe they got the jump after sucker-punching him, and then comes back around with a strong, calculated spinning strike. In fact, let's call it, in our universe, the "Green Tornado Punch." -B

4. Windup Uppercut (Move LS to the Left & Hold X)

"Using another attack from one of his previous games..." -W

"Such as the Windup Uppercut." -B

"...Shrek will swing his right arm backwards three times and connect his knuckles to the enemy's face." -W

5. Double Axle Combo (Move LS Down and Hold X)

"The classic Double Axle Combo. A punch to the cranium, followed up with TWO Overhand Chops to the center of one's spine, and then two Double Axe Handle Combos while the second one knocks the opponent down onto his chest and lays helpless after that onslaught." -B

"This move would be easy to get out before getting sent into the turnbuckle via punch, kick, slap, headbutt, knife chop and more commonly, an Irish Whip Throw." -W

4. Signature Strikes

Green Hammer (Overhead Punch)

"If it was Braun Strowman, this move would be called the "Monstrous Hammer." But no. This, is the Green Hammer, the same overheaded punch that Braun uses as well. But unlike Braun, Shrek lifts his thumb up like ecologists would when they have a "green thumb," and then connects it to unsuspecting opponent. This is also his SECOND Signature Strike." -B

"Like we mention in Loona and Octavia's match against Charlie and Vaggie, in this universe, the Superstars and Divas can use multiple Signatures and Finishers in the form of Diving Attacks, Submission moves, Strikes, and Grapples. This also includes Running Strikes and Running Grapples." -W

"While his third Signature Strike is the Green Tornado Punch, he also uses Drew McIntyre's Headbutt Strike, also known as the Glasgow Kiss, as his first Signature Strike." -B

"Actually, we can't rule out the Swamp Moss Strike either. This is a maneuver Shrek used to rub his butt in his opponents face. Shrek will use this on opponents seated at the bottom rope in one of the four corners, or when they're lying on the ground facing up at the sky. So Swamp Moss, Corner Swamp Moss, Flying Swamp Moss, Glasgow Kiss, Green Hammer, and the Green Tornado Punch are his Signature Strike Attacks. But he also has a few Running Signature Strikes. Like his first one, the Running Swamp Moss." -W

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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