Chapter 612 - Steam Rolling

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“During his first match in the individual competition, he defeated Ling Wuxie. Although Ling Wuxie isn’t from Monster Academy, he’s one of the greatest talents of the rising generation. He’s even a one-word battle armor master.”

“That Tang Wulin managed to defeat a one-word battle armor master?” Dai Tianling didn’t know how to feel about this, but he had to acknowledge that his troublesome daughter had good eyes!

“Yes, he did. I carefully reviewed the recording of the battle and have concluded that Tang Wulin has plenty of real combat experience. Due to his age, his cultivation level is lower and he doesn’t have as many battle armor pieces yet. But when Tang Wulin fought Ling Wuxie, he utterly suppressed Ling Wuxie and prevented him from bringing out the power of his battle armor. From there, he continued chaining attack after attack. Judging from the damage to Ling Wuxie’s armor, Tang Wulin possesses frightening strength and attack power, far higher than what an ordinary four-ringed soul master is capable of. There seem to be some peculiarities about his body and there are also those golden soul rings we need to take note of. We don’t know what those rings are yet, but we’re certain they aren’t the fabled million-year soul rings.”

Dai Tianling smiled. “What an interesting brat. Shrek Academy really is a gathering of monsters. Keep a close eye on him.”

For the first time, Dai Tianling felt that his daughter was right for stirring up trouble. As the Emperor of Star Luo, he was always in need of talented individuals. Although Tang Wulin came from Shrek Academy, Dai Tianling was the emperor of a country. If he could confirm whether or not Shrek Academy was cultivating him as a core member for the future, then he would have a better idea of how to handle this.

When Tang Wulin and his friends finished their matches for the day and were leaving the stadium, someone called out right at the entrance, “Tang Wulin.”

Tang Wulin turned to see Dai Yun’er poking her head out from a corner and waving at him.

There was no doubt that Tang Wulin viewed Dai Yun’er in a bad light. After the stunt this princess pulled the other day, he had become the target of much criticism. Although no one took note of him now, once the tournament advanced further and the number of participants thinned out, more would notice him and he would likely run into opponents with grievances against him.

Regardless of his opinion of her, however, she was still an imperial princess. He couldn’t treat her too rudely. He walked over to her as his friends gawked at them from afar.

Gu Yue maintained a calm expression, her hands stuffed into her pockets casually as she watched in silence.

“Hello, Your Highness. How can I help you?”

“I watched your match, and I watched a recording of your duel too. You’re pretty good!” Dai Yun’er said, a sweet smile on her face.

“That’s good,” Tang Wulin said perfunctorily. 

Dai Yun’er said, “Do you best! If you win the individual competition, maybe you’ll become the emperor’s son-in-law.”

Tang Wulin rolled his eyes at her. “My apologies, Your Highness, but I’m from Douluo. I have no plans of staying here. Please do not choose me. You’re not my type anyway.”

Dai Yun’er was stunned by Tang Wulin’s blunt rejection.

After watching him fighting in the two-on-two and one-on-one matches, her interest in him was piqued. She had always heard that Shrek Academy was Douluo’s number one academy. In fact, it had held that position for over twenty thousand years. Tang Wulin was the same age as her, yet he possessed far greater strength than others their age. He was even able to defeat a one-word battle armor master. With the addition of his dashing good looks, Dai Yun’er couldn’t help but be interested in him and want to chat with him. Yet when she approached him, she got a bucket full of cold water dumped over her head by his blunt rejection.

Since she was a child, Dai Yun’er had been doted on by her father. She cherished by both her father and brothers, the apple of their eyes. When it came to her, they would always bend to fulfill even the most ridiculous of requests. No matter what sort of trouble she caused, her elder brothers would clean up after her.

Never before in her life had she been rejected so coldly. She could see the annoyance and impatience in Tang Wulin’s eyes as he looked at her. The contrast with his mask of politeness stabbed at her heart.

She hadn’t actually wanted to take Tang Wulin as her husband, but had just been teasing him. However, his rejection hurt her self-esteem.

“You…” Dai Yun’er put both her hands on her hips and glowered at him, her large eyes filling with tears.

“Your Highness, if you don’t have anything else to say, I’ll leave to go rest.” After regarding her for a moment, Tang Wulin waved goodbye and left.

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