Who am I?

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It's cold. I can barely see 3 feet in front of me due to the raging snow storm. How I got hear or where I'm from still eludes me, I can't even remember my own name. I have nowhere to go, no one to see, nothing to strive for... and yet I trudge on, through the knee deep snow in heavy clothes stolen from a building that looked like it hadn't been touched in decades, maybe even centuries as the only thing to keep me warm. The metal frames of my glasses have long since stuck to my skin and are beginning to irritate my head, even causing some pain. Yet I continue. I don't know why, I have no goal other than to survive, and even then, I'm not sure its worth the struggle... despite my pessimism I still fight for my dwindling mental health to find some reason to keep going. If I didn't, I wouldn't be very human... our nature is to do whatever it takes.
Whatever it takes to survive, even the most heinous of acts become fair game when desperation comes through. We tell ourselves it's justified, to commit inhumane actions just to survive, but does that really make it right? They say a person is most honest when they think they're alone, and even though I don't remember anything... I feel the most honest I've ever been in my life, call it a gut feeling...

I don't know how long I've been here, it gets hard to keep track of time when you're barely scraping by with scraps of anything to keep your head above the proverbial water. All I know is that I've been here long enough to start losing it, even if just slightly.
A noise here, a stray shadow there, I'm beginning to see things, the loneliness must be taking its toll on me, it must have been longer than I thought since I woke up in this... desolate place.
The human mind is complex, it doesn't handle extended periods of loneliness very well, causing hallucinations, filling in gaps in its knowledge just to make everything make sense in an illogical situation.

The storm starts to clear up. As everything becomes visible I see a large spire reaching up into the sky.

A spire made of metallic corpses... what appears to be oil soaks the ground in splotches...

I got into murder drones recently so I made a short out of it... idk what else to say really... also ignore the photo, I just really like the metro series

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