"Yeah whatever. What time does this date start?"

I smirked. "You got a few hours."


"Look, let's have a fresh start since you don't want to admit that you were smitten by me. Let's pretend we don't know each other. It can be like a real first date."

"I don't just go on dates with randoms."

"But you fucked me, a random man when we first met and there was another thing you that you let a random woman do but we won't live in the past."

"Yeah like when you had a threesome with two random sluts while I was pregnant with your son."

"I said we're not living in the past. Get dressed, I'll see you out back."

"Out back?! Nigga you not taking me out to an actual restaurant?"

"I don't like to be seen out in public with randoms." I flipped her off before walking out the room. I could hear her laughing. Hopefully tonight will be about moving forward and not what happened back then.


Standing near our set up on the beach, I glanced at the table waiting for Mya or this lady that I'm meeting for the first time. Haha.

I told her to be out here by 8, it's 8:15 and she still ain't here. Strike 1.

Grabbing my phone I got ready to call but she came walking down the marble pathway. She looked beautiful and when I saw what she had on the biggest smiled peeled across my face.

It was the orange dress.

Only thing she was missing was the long curly hair but her natural curls made up for it. Even her make up was nearly identical. A few things changed because of Mya's make up preferences being different. 

Getting up from my seat, I walked over to her.

"Are you Chris?" She played along, making me even happier.

"Yeah, Mya?"

"That's me." She was trying to control her laugh. We're just getting started and I'm loving it already. "Nice to meet you. Sorry I was late, I couldn't find anything to wear."

"That dress looks amazing on you."

"Thanks, believe it or not I haven't worn it in ten years."

"Could've fooled me. Let's have a seat." I led her over to the table and pulled out her chair, once she sat down I went over to my seat. "So Mya tell me about yourself."

"Um, well you know my name is Mya, I'm 35, a Virgo. I was born and raised in Miami, I have three kids biologically and a step daughter who I love so much."

"Damn four kids?"

She gave me a straight face. "Yeah, anyway I'm recently divorced, I own a few businesses, and I'm just ready to get back into the dating scene you know."

"Recently divorced, tell me more about that. How did you lose an amazing man— I mean how did a man lose someone as amazing as you."

"You're going to make me break character being stupid." She laughed while throwing her napkin at me. "But my ex husband let his selfishness come in between what we built. I had my share in it as well but he pushed us across that line."

I nodded. "Do you still love him?"

"Absolutely— I mean no, ugh."

"Nice save."

"Tell me about you Chris."

"I'm boring, you don't want to hear about me."

"We all have a story, tell me yours." Mya said before sipping her wine.

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