"We will see okay two drinks then we will see what happens next" I gave a cheeky smile before grabbing all my stuff and heading outside for the bus.

"Mitch are you and Perri going to be okay with warren tonight if I go out?" I asked Mitch as I walked along side him

"Of course it will be fine, go out you haven't this whole tour" he said turning to me

"I know, I just don't want to go out and do something stupid" I explained

"Why would you?" He asked raising an eyebrow

"You know what happens when I drink Mitch and it hasn't happened in a few years" I rubbed the back of my neck

"Oh yeah that" he said looking down

"The boys don't know about it hence why I don't know if I should go"

"Just go have one and come back to the hotel it will be okay right?" He asked as we finally made it to the bus he climbed on first and I followed

"I guess so, just what ever happens tonight be good and if things get out of hand come and get me" I instructed him before making my way to my bunk and throwing my stuff down and hopping in.

I rolled over and looked at the photos that always bought me so much comfort I just didn't know if drinking tonight was the best idea.


I stood in my hotel room looking in the mirror thinking if I should go out or not. I slipped on a shirt and fixed my hair before sitting on the bed picking up my phone.

I looked at the photo of Jade and I, I wanted to go out but I didn't want to do anything stupid that may cause me to lose her I loved her to much.

I heard a knock at the door which broke my thoughts

"SAM OPEN UP" I heard an already drunk terry yell

"I'm coming" I shouted getting up and walking over to the door opening it to see the boys and some girls they had already been out drinking for the last few hours while I was thinking

"Hey man, seeing as you are taking your time to come out I've bought the party here" he said slurring some of his words

"I really don't want to party tonight" I said closing the door before he stopped it

"Why? Come on I bought girls" he winked as I looked at everyone

"I don't care about the girls you know I've got a girlfriend" I said getting upset with him

"Who cares come on let's go in" he pushed pasted me and the others followed him in

"Hey sexy I can make you forget about your girl for the night" one of the girls said walking past running her hand along my chin and winking

I said nothing and closed the door, I walked to the kitchen area and lent up against the counter looking at everyone having a good time

"Sammy come on join in" Ash shouted

"I'm right" I said crossing my arms

"Just one drink, here take it" terry said forcing a bottle in my face

"I said I'm right" I pushed it away and rolled my eyes

"Well sexy how about it?" The same girl came back up to me standing close

"I don't want to I have a beautiful girlfriend" I said sternly

"Aw that's cute, but is she here? I don't see her" she gave me an evil smile as she closed the gap between us

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