03 | (UN) LUCKY: Get Lucky

Start from the beginning

Sana stares at Jihyo without saying anything, she wants to punch Jihyo's ‘annoying’ face but she's trying to keep her cool. While Jihyo is purposely saying those words hoping it'll hit Sana’s nerve and by what's happening, it's really hitting

Meanwhile …

Dahyun and Tzuyu hid somewhere so their photos would be believable that they ‘secretly’ took it

“Is it just me or they don't look like they are in good condition?” Dahyun asked

“It doesn't matter. What matters is getting a picture of them, let's just hope they'll smile for a second and we'll take it. It's not like you can hear pictures” Tzuyu turns on her digital camera

“What is wrong with this?” Tzuyu mumbles

“What's up?” Dahyun looks at her

“The battery's dead” Tzuyu said

“Woah.. first your gown and now this? I think your luckyness has an expiration” Dahyun laughs

Then it struck her, what the fortune teller had told her earlier. Without thinking twice Tzuyu stands up from her position and runs downstairs

“Hey, where are you going?” Dahyun yelled but Tzuyu continues to come down

She reached the spot where the tent was but it wasn't there anymore then Tzuyu sees the woman leaving. She fastly runs after the woman who just crossed the road then she stopped walking and turned around at Tzuyu, She smiled at Tzuyu

Then a car drove to her front and the water splashed on her gown and face, people all saw it. The car drove away but the lady was long gone

Next day …

Tzuyu already got home in the morning because of how busy the masquerade ball was all night. What does she look like at the moment? A mess

Her makeup is tarnished, her expensive gown ripped with a mud stain, and very messy hair. Her usual bright smile that people often see are long gone by the events that happened last night. She gets out of the elevator and saw a lot of workers on floor, Tzuyu walks to the hallway when she saw the men outside of her apartment

“Oh my god, what happened?!”

“Is this your apartment?” The man asked

“Yes, what happened?” Tzuyu asked, the man opened the door

The ceiling was destroyed, water is pouring like a waterfall above. The workers are smashing the walls with a sledgehammer and there's a flood in her apartment that is about 2 feet deep

“There was a flood in your apartment. The toilet upstairs exploded.. and here's the result”

“Flood? In my 25th floor apartment, there's a flood?” Tzuyu mumbles in disbelief

‘This is unbelievable!’ Tzuyu thought

How can unfortunate events keep on happening one by one? This isn't what it's supposed to be! That's practically what is running on Tzuyu's mind

“My furniture?! My branded clothes?! My bags?! My shoes?! My macbook?!”

“If you're looking for your stuffs, here it is” the man handed a box at Tzuyu

“Is this all?” Tzuyu asked

“If you want to have more then feel free to swim on the flood, it's your choice” he sarcastically said

Meanwhile …

“Since the shoot is canceled, you guys are free for the day” Y/n is busy with some work stuff

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