Chapter Eighteen: A Wedding

Start from the beginning

Harper is the surrogate for Rowan and his mate.



Everyone was rushing around doing last-minute preparations, wanting everything to be perfect.

Kevin and Finn haven't seen each other since the day before. They were both extremely anxious but excited.

They had decided to take their relationship slowly, but after dating for three month and a half years they decided to get married.

Finn was standing in front of the mirror getting his hair straightened up by his two nephews, sisters, his brother-in-Law, and best friend who also happened to be his groomsmen.

James however was sitting at the behest of the other hand helping.

As he was about to protect he saw the look his mother was giving him and backed down. If there was one person you never want to argue with it Maxwell Howlett.

"Are excited Uncle Kevin." Rowan asked as he fix his uncle's hair.

"I'm excited, but also nervous. What if he changes his mind?" Kevin began to worry.

"Harper just texted me said Finn is worried that you're going to run. Finn says he loves you." Carlisle told his best friend who signed in relief.

"Dada!" Three voices call as they ran into the room. Everyone's smiles brightened at seeing the twins and the oldest son, Dawn, Jack, and Elijah running towards their father.

"My babies. Don't you two look nice." James said as the two tried to clam into his lap.

"Be careful." Christopher said as he helped them get on James' lap carefully to avoid his back.

"Thank you, Uncle Chris." They chimed together.

"Your welcome." He told them before he went back to help Kevin.

"You look like a Prince Uncle Kevin." Dawn said as she watched her great uncle's hair clean up.

"I haven't put on my suit on yet, but thank you D." Kevin thanked the two and a half year old.

Dawn was a spitting image of her father Spencer. They shared the same hair color and facial structure but she had his Dada (James) eyes

Elijah looked like his Dada but had his Daddy's (Aaron's) skin tone. His hair was dirty blonde that in the sun looked brighter.

Jack looked like his Daddy's hair. His hair looked like his father.

The twins and Jack were a shocking but welcome addition to the family. Even though Sarah and Maxwell weren't biologically related to them they both spoiled their grandchildren.

"Alright, Dada has to get up. He has to use the restroom." James said and the three of them hopped off their Dada's lap so he could go to the restroom.

He came out a few moments later and it was time to get their suits on. James had a bit of trouble but his father thankfully came to his rescue.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2023 ⏰

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