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"Chairman look at this" one of the chairman's officers gestured to a display

"It seems someone has chosen to take pity on us" athha said, as their rescuers sent a message

'My wish is to call this nation home, as such i will defend it'

It was sighed 'the commander of NERV: shinji ikari

The chairman was intrigued by the message as it sounded like the individual was acting alone, yet there were a hoard of mobile suits attacking the earth alliance forces

"We may not have to self-destruct if our new ally can ward them off" an officer said

"We can only hope, I'd prefer not to leave my daughter alone" uzumi said

As they watched the battle rake place, they were still prepared to self-destruct, but they were also willing to let this play out, to their immense surprise their new ally was able to push the earth alliance forces into retreating

"Send a message, I wish to meet this commander ikari, face to face, I want to thank him" uzumi said, it didn't take long to receive a message

"Commander imair had stated he would be more then willing to come down and meet you sir, he will be bringing a unit he called the schwarzette, he has been directed to our hanger" an officer said

"Good I shall meet him there" uzumi said As he led the way to the hanger as the schwarzette flew jnro the hanger before landing and docking into place, as the cockpit opened and the pilot climbed out

"Commander shinji ikari, i assume" uzumi asked

"You assume correctly chairman" I said

"Thank you for your support against the earth alliance" he said

"As I said in my message" I wish to make ORB my own and will defend it, that being said, I would recommend you prepare for a counterattack if you do noggin you make ORB weak to both the alliance and ZAFT" I said

"We do not have the manpower to defend our nation and enter into a war, with either side" uzumi said

"Will you accept my organization, as a member of your nation" I asked

"You saved us, it's the least we can do" uzumi said

"Then give me control of your military and I will make it capable of standing up on its own" i said, uzumi raised his eyebrow

"now that is a tall ask, i do not know you, and while i am grateful for your assistance you cannot expect me to just give you control of our forces" uzumi said, i nodded

"your right, you don't know what i am capable of....... what if i show you, if you would prepare a transport, i will take you to GEHIRN, and show you exactly the technologies at my arsenal, and the projects at my disposal, should you accept my aid, i'll even leave the schwarzette here as a sign of good faith, but please don't break it, the machine's guardian system is very valuable" i said

"aren't you worried the machine will be stolen" uzumi asked

"the schwarzette, as it is right now" i asked, before laughing maniacally

"be my guest, that is several less pilots i have to worry about, the schwarzette uses a highly dangerous system, to control the guardian-system, there isn't a single natural alive that can handle that machine, hell the coordinators can't handle that machine, with the exception of maybe yamato, that is a big maybe, as even he would have issues piloting it at all effectively" i said

"are you saying that machine will kill it's pilots" an officer asked

"as it is right now, most likely, but only if used at it's full potential, for transport purposes, you should be fine" i said

"still why build such a machine" the officer asked

"the guardian-system is a gund-bit variant, and the gund-bits are quite literally the most powerful remote weapons in the earth sphere, it massively outperforms the DRAGOON-system, and it can function in atmosphere to boot" i said, they blinked, now that was something else

"the guardian-system is my preferred among the variants, mostly because even when not in use it can still function as a massive sword capable of bludgeoning it's targets, and that's just as it is now, i intend to equip a few beam emitters to the guardian-system, and make it capable to be used as an anti-ship sword" i said, they blinked, dragoons that could work in atmosphere and act as anti-ship swords was a scary thought indeed

they took a transport up to the pyramid that was GEHIRN, shinji led them through the massively altered interior of the base, and into the most changed section, terminal dogma, now the deepest levels of the base was a massive industrial room that held the AGE builder, surrounding it were several tanks, the guests didn't know what the tanks held, but shinji knew, as they were what held the pure LCL fluid, what was left of it, as shinji was able to make artificial LCL fluid, and that facility was held in higher levels of the massive facility, shinji walked up to the AGE builders main computer, and called up the files on all of the weapons shinji had access to, from human level, all the way to warship level

the chairman was in shock as he saw all that shinji had, the ayanami series, project esper, project vector, project valkyrie, project hyperion, there were so many things that this commander had ready

"command of the orb national defense force is yours, commander ikari" uzumi said, he didn't have any other option if he wanted access to this technology, and the man who created all of these projects using this technology, then an idea formed in his mind

"but you will marry my daughter in turn" uzumi said, my eyebrow raised

"i am not sure she will be pleased by that" i said

"it is better then her previous suitor, yuna roma seiren, originally i believed him to be a good husband for my daughter, but the boy is an idiot, in every aspect, and his father, is too much of an earth alliance sympathizer for my liking" uzumi said

"i will agree to your proposal, but you must give me full access to the defense force" i said

"done" uzumi said, i nodded

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