First Kiss

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- Cirrus just GOES FOR IT, like you're just with her and suddenly you get body slammed with so much force that you don't realize what's happening until she's holding your head against hers and her tail is curled around your thigh. She's sorry if she scared you :(
- Aurora is really sweet about it, she's holding your hand and walking with you when she asks "can i kiss you?" Followed by "if not that's totally okay and i understand if you don't want to im not offended!" When you actually kiss, her hands are around your waste and she stops every second to ask if you're okay <3
- Cumulus kissed you while you were cuddling with her, but obviously she asked first, very politely, "is it alright if we maybe... perhaps... if it's alright with you... maybe kissed?" Her cheeks got all red and she does little happy squirms when you say yes <33 she's very polite and only gives you a short kiss unless you ask her for more
- Dew/Sodo is a lip biter, except he digs his fangs into your lips, he also forgot to ask and he's very sorry... but if you whine a bit he stops biting you and instead he jumps into your arms so you can hold him :>
- Phantom is shy about it, while you're watching a documentary about bats with him, he doesn't wanna annoy you by rambling about them, so instead he just gives you a little peck and starts to explain how bats show affection while replicating it with you. You think it's the cutest thing ever and he's grinning the whole time <3
- Mountain asks if he can carry you and spins you around, then after you're dizzy and giggling, you have a mini makeout  sesh, he also gives the back of your thighs lil squeezes :<
- Swiss and you are play-fighting and he rolls you over and gives you a lil kissy. On full moons, if you manage to get into his room without Copia running after you to keep you out, he tackles you while whining and scratching at you, then just fully bites your lips, not one, but BOTH and he's going completely crazy... Dew is the only one who can get him off of you...
- Rain's hands get sweaty and he's hyperventilating trying to figure out how to go about it, but when you glance over at him to ask if he's okay, he's like "i-uh... mhm im good! C-can i erm..." you kiss him before he finishes asking.

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