i am DePrEsS

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more random shit

more random shit

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^this is actually what some kid at my school sent me

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^this is actually what some kid at my school sent me. welcome to aMeRiCa

and i have no clue what it says

and i have no clue what it says

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this is too real. i actually thought it said realty (like the house buisness)

my mom is a realtor

she hates all my friends and makes fun of them in front of me and it takes me all my willpower not to fight her because then the emotional abuse would become physical 

*awkward thumbs up*

im ok

(totally not ok but it be like that sometimes)

no more hetero

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no more hetero.


^ we can only hope

^ we can only hope

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^this is just art

did you know being on a phone where i live is illegal and means you get a referral?

Me: limits are made to be broken

this is what we find when things were originally supposed to be "shirt orders"

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this is what we find when things were originally supposed to be "shirt orders"

olive garden bathrooms are so judgemental and nosy (THEY ARE LIKE MY FAMILY I KNEW IT)

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olive garden bathrooms are so judgemental and nosy (THEY ARE LIKE MY FAMILY I KNEW IT)



simp for yelena belova

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simp for yelena belova

and anakin skywalker

in case you needed proof i am bi

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