You were in the lab with Bruce when Tony came in to say goodbye.

"Are you sure you're okay with this?" Tony asked you. He had noticed that you were growing increasingly uneasy, especially as the pencil you were working with got stuck to your hand.

"I'm fine, Tony," you responded, only for him to not believe as you were too distracted with getting the pencil unstuck.

Tony sighed before gently taking your wrists and pulling your hands toward him. "I don't believe you, sweetheart." He pulled the pencil from where it had stuck to you. After setting it down, he placed his arms around your waist and pulled you into him. "Do you trust me?"

You nodded, silently staring at the buttons on his shirt. He had dressed up in a nice suit and button up shirt for Pepper.

"It would really help me if you would speak, sweetheart."

"I trust you," you said, still not making eye contact.

"I think I'm going to stay here. You clearly aren't comfortable with this. I—"

"No, no," you grabbed Tony's jacket lapels and looked him in the eyes. "Go. Have fun."

"I promise I won't be too long."

Tony leaned in and kissed you. When he pulled back, you let go of him but immediately wanted to pull him back in and tell him to stay. Tony shot you a smile before heading out. After watching him until he disappeared, you got back to work. Bruce was still in the lab and had watched the whole interaction.

"Don't worry about Tony," Bruce told you, catching your attention. "He wouldn't do anything that could hurt you."

You nodded, going back to focusing on your work and try to forget about what Tony was up to.


"I'm glad we're doing this," Pepper said as she sat across from Tony. The two were at a nicer restaurant and had been seated to allow them some privacy.

"Honestly, Pep, I'm not exactly sure what this is," Tony said.

"Just two friends, talking and having dinner together."

Tony nodded, picking up the menu to look at it. Pepper followed suite, constantly stealing glances over the menu. After drinks had been ordered and brought and the food had been ordered, the two sat there, awkwardly sipping their drinks.

"So, Tony," Pepper started, "how have you been?"

"Good," Tony responded. "You?"

"I've been good as well. How's the company?"

"It ran much smoother when you were there, but it's getting by with me back at the head."

"That's good."

The two made idle-chitchat as they waiting for the food to come. It continued on even as they ate, until Tony couldn't handle to know why they had met up.

"Why did you want to meet up, Pepper?" Tony asked as the plates were cleared.

"To be honest, Tony," she paused with a sigh, "I've missed you."

Tony was speechless for a second. Yes, at one point Tony had missed Pepper dearly and sometimes still did when it came to running the company. But now Tony had you in his life and couldn't imagine ever going back to Pepper.


"I know, I know, I'm the one that broke it off and I'm sorry. I'm sure I put you through hell. I promise that—"

"Pepper. I'm seeing someone."

"Oh." It was clear that to Tony that Pepper was taken back. "I—I hadn't heard."

"It's new. We're taking it slow and planning on keeping it private for a while."

"Slow and private, huh? That doesn't sound like you."

"Things have changed for me, Pepper. I have changed."

"Clearly." She took a sip of her drink.

Tony waved down the waiter. "I think we're ready for the check."

"Of course," the waiter replied, hurrying off.

"We don't need to end this quickly, Tony," Pepper said.

"I think we do."

Tony stood up, pulled out a wad of cash from his inner coat pocket and threw down a few hundreds on the table. He then turned and began heading out, with Pepper quickly following.

"Tony! Tony!" Pepper called. "Please! I'm sorry."

Tony's car drove itself up to wear Tony stopped at the curb. He turned around to face his former friend and lover. "I'm so glad we did this, Pepper. It's truly helped me close the door on our relationship."

Pepper reached out and grasped his arm, causing Tony to pause. She quickly closed the gap and kissed him. Tony was quick to push her away.

"Don't ever call me again," Tony said, his tone laced with slight anger that had never been used toward Pepper.

She stood there, almost frozen as Tony slipped into his car and sped away. What neither of them noticed was a nearby man, catching the whole thing on camera.

Caught In A WebOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora