
313 19 2

Tw: Blood and slight gore

' One month until the special concert.' Y/N thought to herself as she walked in the rain.

30 days left
' I feel... tired'

29 days left
' Is this it?'

28 days left
' I can't...'

27 days left
' How could he?'

26 days left
' I can't believe it'

25 days left
' They hate me...'

24 days left
' I don't want to'

23 days left
' My body hurts'

22 days left
' So kind...'

' I'm ready to quit'

20 days left
' I still don't know...'

19 days left
' I can't let them down'

18 days left
' They'll be so disappointed'

17 days left
' They just turned one'

16 days left
' She's worried about me'

15 days left
' I can't sleep'

14 days left
' She keeps trying to help me'

13 days left
' Rehearsal is a pain'

12 days left
' He keeps smiling at me'

11 days left
' I feel something bad is going to happen'

10 days left
' They are too cute'

9 days left
' I'm getting more anxious'

8 days left
' I'm out of pills'

7 days left
' Just a week'

6 days left
' I wanna go home'

5 days left
' I don't feel hungry'

4 days left
' I still can't sleep'

3 days left
' I have more pills'

2 days left
' I can't do it'

1 day left
' I'm so sorry'


Y/N was ready for the performance of a life time.

Though she didn't look it, she was very anxious.

She wore a her usual outfit that she wears on stage and the other girls stood behind her.

The Fake Idol ( KNY x  Hoshino reader)Where stories live. Discover now