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After I reached home I went to my room, did my homework as fast as possible. And got ready for the concert.

Minyoung rang the doorbell and my mom opened the door "oh hello Minyoung! Long time no see! How are you?" My mom asked while smiling at him "oh hello Mrs. Choi! Im doing great! Oh and is Ella at home right now? We're going to a concert So I'm here to pick her up!"

"Oh yes! She is at home I'll go get her" My mom came to my room and knocked "Ella, Minyoung is here to pick you up!" I opened the door and hugged my mom " Bye mom! I'll be back by 11!" I gave a kiss to my mom on cheeks.

"Bye! Oh your purse?" I ran back to my room and took my purse. "Thanks! Byee love you!" I ran downstairs. "Minyoung!! Lets go!" I closed the door as Minyoung drove us to the concert.

We got in and went to our seats. The Concert started in 10 mins. And the whole crowd went wild including me. I felt like I will lose my voice till tomorrow.

I started singing to the lyrics (The song that they were performing was Lalala) Yes, yes I know korean a little and its stray kids song! Of course I will know all there lyrics! "JUST FEEL THE ROCK! WE LET IT ROCK!" I sang along vibing to them.

I started recording and as soon as I took out my phone, Lee know, My ult Bias, bent down, took my phone and started recording himself. I started to scream while looking at Minyoung. He was shocked as well.

He gave me my phone back and winked at me. I started to scream more loudly as others shook my shoulders in excitement. Minyoung's jaw dropped.

~Time skip again~

After the concert I went back to my house after having dinner with Minyoung as we talked about how lee know took my phone and started recording me.

"Mom! I'm home!" "Okay!" She shouted from her room. I went into my room and changed itno my pj's. I went to bed and took my phone. I started rewatching the clip of lee know again and again.

"EEEE! God I'm so lucky! My bias took MY phone! God I love you for making this happen!." I looked out of the window into the stars while smiling.

After that I started getting sleepy and went to sleep. I woke up at 6 am and got ready for school. My mom saw me and said "woah! Choi Ella woke up this early? That is such a once in blue moon moment!" She giggled. "Mom! Im just really happy from the concert!" I said flashing a smile.

I walked to the school and went to my class. I was the first one to come and then Minyoung came. "Wassup girlie! Last night was fun And today is the fansign event!" I looked up at him.

"Omg yes! And today is gonna be more fun! We are gonna talk to them! EEE!!" I giggled as we clebrated. The class started to fill with students. After 15 minutes the teacher came and started teaching.

The period was over and we both went to our locker. Today I felt like I wanted to attend maths as I was like in a good mood which is actually a once in a blue moon moment.

I went too my class and surprisingly I understood everything! I did some questions and the class was over. "Wow, that was fast!" I said to myself feeling a bit surprised.

I went to my locker and did other classes.

~Time skip~

It was finally lunch I saw Minyoung coming out and we both walked to the cafeteria together. "You watched their new video? The Skzflix one?" Minyoung asked me "Nope but lets watch it while eating!" I got me food and went to our usual table.

I sat down and took out my phone and started watching the new video. I teared up at the ending a bit but controlled yourself. It was a little emotional but very soft. After lunch I did my other classes.

A/n: Im so sorry guys I ran out of ideas for this part! TT

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