Chapter 11: Brothers

Start from the beginning

We kissed.  I was genuinely so happy with Leah, we were unstoppable. 

"There's been something I've wanted to ask you" 

"What is it" 

I didn't know what she was going to ask. 

"The past couple months together have been absolutely amazing, I can confidently say I'm starting to fall in love with you, and I wanted to make things more official, if you wanted to" 

She was falling in love with me, and I could feel myself falling too. 

"Yeah I would want that too" 

"So Abigail Armstrong, do you want to be my girlfriend?" 

I smiled up at her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. 

"It would be my greatest honour" 

I joked back since she was formal by using my full name. 

We laid in her bed for a bit, just admiring each other.  I had always respected her as a great football player, although I would never admit to her that I was a huge fan.  I often told her how much better she was than me, more so how successful she is, but she always reassured me how intimidated she was by my brain.  We worked so well together, even though we were so different. 

We went bak downstairs to join her family again.  We were all sitting by the table playing card games.  Jacob and I got along really well.  He was competitive and I made sure I beat him at every game we played. 

We ate an early dinner then sat on the couch to watch a film.  As we were sitting on the couch Leah and I were looking at the baby photos my mom was sending me from past Christmases.  Until one popped up that Leah forced me upstairs after seeing it. 

Mom: Found this one of you and your brother, missing you both a little extra today:)  

Leah closed the door behind her.  I was scared she was going to shout, but instead she just looked at me, almost like she was disappointed, until she finally spoke up. 

"I thought you were an only child" 

I knew she was hurt that I lied, sometimes the truth is so much harder to tell. 

"I thought it would be easier" 

"You lied about something so stupid" 

She was right, I didn't have to lie about this. 

"It's not stupid" 

"Then why did you lie" 

"He's dead Leah, he committed suicide"   

She looked at me with softer eyes.  I was crying, I've never cried about my brother before, not even when he died, that's why nobody knew, there was so much to the story than just him dying. She sat down beside me on the bed, and wrapped her arms around me. 

"I'm sorry I lied Leah, it's just a complicated story that I've been too scared to tell you, especially after hearing the way you talk about Jacob, and you're relationship, I'm sorry I ruined today" 

She gripped me tighter and placed a soft kiss on my forehead. 

"You didn't ruin today, we can talk about it when you get home from your dad's" 

She had a right to be upset, there's no doubt about that, but instead of being mad about me lying she was still there by my side, making sure I was okay. 

I wiped my tears away and got up to look through my bag.  Grabbing the gift labelled Leah. 

"This is for you, we never talked about getting gifts for each other but I wanted to" 

She looked up and smiled at me. 

"Don't worry I got you something too" 

She unwrapped the gift wrapping paper around the box, the opened the box containing a pair of football boots coloured red and white. 

"You got me boots?" 

It was 2019, most companies didn't make proper boots for professional females, I knew the entirety of the Arsenal wore men's boots, which always increased their chances of injuries. 

"I reached out to nike, and got you a pair of high performance female boots" 

She smiled at me and gave me a kiss.  Little did she know there was also a piece of paper, a letter I wrote for her 

"I love them" 

She then got her gift for me, it was in a bag, I had no idea what it would be. 

I opened the bag and there were two things.  First an Arsenal jersey that had her last name on the back, and a necklace that had her initial. I gestured for her to put it on me. 

"Now you can live a proper wag life" 

I laughed. 

"I love it Leah" 

I then gave her a kiss, and we went back downstairs to finish the film. 


Once the film was over I had to leave to make the drive down to Frome.  I thanked her parents and brother for everything and they made me promise to come back soon. 

Leah walked me out the door and we said goodbye and shared a few kisses.  I would see her in a few days as she also made me promise to come straight to hers the day I get back. 

I got into my car about to leave, and she waved goodbye.  I drove off and I knew I wasn't falling in love with her, because I already was. 



-Well here it is, they official and we finally hear more about Abi's brother, more to come on that

-Sorry I haven't updated in a while, school and life has been so busy but I promise to be more active. 

-Also this story has gotten so much attention recently so as always thank you:), that being said with all of these new viewers I would love to hear from y'all

-I've been wanting to become more connected with my readers, so please comment or message me my inbox is always open:)

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