"It's not for you, idiot. Well not anymore, after you decided to try and outsmart us, and resist."  Kyoshi was taken back by the response. 

"For you I hoped to create a clean slate after the first meeting in the water tribe. But that was merely a bonus of a plan already in motion." He explained.

Kyoshi gave him an unsure look. "Plus, you really think the fifth nation has been completed in one generation, in one lifetime. There have been five leaders over the past 50 years or so. I just happen to be the latest, but the men only know that there have been 2, maybe 3 if they have been paying close attention."

"You know that such drastic and frequent changes in leadership don't go very well. And can cause problems among ranks. I guess I'll give you points for that."  Kyoshi replied tiredly.

"So the first caused all the issues for Kuruk then, or continued the problems?"

"You are more intelligent than you seem, but enough with the past. The portal is all I care about now" He grinned smugly.


Kyoshi's whole energy seemed to shift, it threw off Naruklok. Did Kyoshi have no regard for her own safety, she didn't even seem to be frazzled by the whole thing. He had to find a way to gain leverage. 

"Nothing... for now, just think about your options" And with that the door slammed shut, leaving Kyohis in the dim room.

"Just watch your back, you bastard!" She yelled.

Kyoshi continued to sit in the room, there was no noise from the outside. No one else came by in the time she was awake. Her whole body felt exhausted, it was so tired. What had she gotten herself into? At least there was no way they could get her to open that portal, not with their current plan at least. 

Please Rangi find me in this mess I got myself into. Please.

The crew had spent the past couple of hours getting the whole story for Rangi about everything that happened between them and the group, and were now trying to find ways to track Kyoshi.

"Well it would be helpful if we had something she has worn recently, cloth would retain scent better than the metal fan she left. Maybe then we could pick up a shirshu and track her that way." Wong offered. Rangi nodded, "I'll be right back"

She took off down the hallways towards her room and began to look for a tunic or something that would be helpful. As she dug through a bag of clothes suddenly she felt her fingertips hit something hard among the soft fabrics.

Pulling out a small box Rangi sat down to examine it. Kyoshi was never one to wear jewelry other than her head piece and that hardly counted. Not thinking too hard about it she opened the box to find a small gold band, with a red stone embedded in it.

Suddenly all the air had left her lungs. How long had Kyoshi had this, she checked the bottom of the box, it was the same place Kyohis had gotten her hair piece from. She probably made an extra order to cover it up, since she knew that she wouldn't have let Kyoshi go into town on her own, and getting the pin would have eased all suspicions. It did ease any possible suspensions.

Rangi couldn't help it; she felt the tears begin to stream down her face. Kyoshi had wanted to take the next step together, they could have taken the next step, and now she was nowhere to be found. And Rangi had no clue where to start.

As she continued to break down there was a small knock on the door. "Topknot, you in there?" Kirma called.

"Go away Kirma" Rangi yelled back. Setting the box beside her, as she pulled her knees to her chest.

"Now you know that is just an invitation to come in." As Kirma enters the room it's then that she realizes that Rangi is crying.

The water bender feels her whole body stiffen, she had never seen Rangi like this, she had always been hot headed, and normally mad at Kirma for one thing or another. This was completely different, she seemed so vulnerable.

"You know that she's fine, and we're going to find her. '' She said as she approached the firender trying to think of something comforting she could offer. Assuming this was about Kyoshi. Why wouldn't this be about Kyoshi?

"There was just something so wrong, she said she would be there." Rangi spooky softly, her mind racing back around the failed rescue attempt earlier.

Kirma bites her lip. "You said she left her fan there right? So she was there. You're not crazy if thats what your thinking"

"It's not that. The only reason why she left it was because she knew I would recognize it. But, there had to have been a reason. I think she knew she might have been in danger."

"You think" Kirma tilted her head.

" But she still stayed and went through with it anyways"

"I honestly wouldn't have expected anything else. But she'll be okay, she's strong. I helped train her after all, and I don't train cowards" She tried to keep the conversation light, still a bit intimidated by the firebender in her fragile state.

"You helped train her too I guess." There was no response still from the firebender. Kirma sighed, as she went to sit next to her. 

"I know you really love her, and it's normal to worry but I know she will be fine. I mean the girl got struck by lightning how many times and survived? " Rangi nodded. "I think she was going to propose" Rangi showed her the engraved ring.

Kirma gave her a shocked look. "I know I can't believe she would have wanted someone like me either" Rangi scoffed, letting Kirma look at the ring as she let more tears fall.

"I promise she's okay Rangi, and we will find her." Slowly Kirma tried to pull her into a small side hug. "But if you tell anyone this happened after we find Kyoshi, I'll kill you" Kirma muttered under her breath.

"Same here"

Rangi stood, carefully tucking the ring and its box back where she found it. "I never knew that Kyoshi was the bold one in the relationship." Kirma teased, as she picked up another tunic for the shirshu to smell.

Rangi gave her an annoyed look. "You know what? I'm gonna propose to her first just to prove you wrong." She responded as they left the room.

"Then you have some work to do, she already has a ring" Kirma laughed as they went to join the group.

Rangi felt her expression fall once more, so Kyoshi really did want a future together. Now Rangi just had to make sure they were both there to see it through.

You guyyyysssss were you ready for that? I know I wasn't, and I wrote it. Anyways hope you guys enjoyed another split pov. Let me what you think below, or if you have any ideas, I love to hear them all :)

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