chapter 1

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taylor pov

it been 15 years since I and 4 others were sent by nasa to live on a space station. they bulit, near planet mars,we been on a project to track a poweful engery source. that was going to be used on earth. A) for cleaner energy source B) an crazy idea, for time travel. i rolled my eyes at the thought as i floated within the space station looking outside of the window, watching earth outside. tommrow we would returned home for the 1st time, since we left 15 years ago. i thought as i heard the space station hummed at the time.

before going to the control room, our commander is still trying to get hold of nasa still. we were told that since we were so far away from earth, the radio system might not work,"NASA Control, this is Commander, chad. do you read ?" he said at the time. nothing, just an eeric staic noise, like the staic noise you might hear in a horror movie. " Like they told us, the radio system might not work," i said as checking on the space station stats. " i am the commander chad, you shall address me as your commander," he spoke as if i was his soilder in an war.

" Yes, sir," i said in a mocking tone, other crew members felt the tense moment between us. "What do we miss about Earth?" Marcus continued, a smile playing on his lips.

"Tomorrow, we are going home." he said at the time " the bars, ice coffee" i said with an giggle i thought at the time, Marcus went next " my mama home cooking" he said as emma went next " sushi" she said, as maya floated " football games, cheeseburgers" she said, dr. Carter didn't really look up he was studying the notes he wrote in his notebook, " gravity," he mumble at the time. chad spoke " soilders that listen," he said as he rolled my eyes at himself at the time. as ifinished, hed i heard noises from the radio, chad went to answer it the voice was rough, "This is Commander, chad Who's this?" he asked, "General Cesar," the voice responded, the gruff tone sending a chill down my spine. Something felt off. "We're coming home tomorrow," chad tells them, they whole time i was getting chills, i thought at the time. i pushed the thoughts out of my head, i was nerouse about the landing home tommrow i thought to myself in the moment as i try to act happy in the moment at the same time i had bad feeling. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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