'Is he watching TV again? Watching TV for a long time isn't good for his health. Too much screen time can lead to obesity, Sleep deprivation, chronic neck and back problems, eye strain and headaches. Ron's mum told me I can scold him when he misbehaves so.' Your lip curved into a small smirk. 'I'm definitely going to abuse her permission.'

"Hey, Y/n, Toto." Ron opened the door and stared at you guys with bloodshot eyes. "Do you have a case?"

Isshiki jolted at the sight of Ron's eyes. "The hell is with your eyes, Ron?!" He collected himself and looked at Ron with concern. "Seriously, your eyes..... What happened!?"

Ron smugly pointed his thumb at the TV inside of his apartment. "I've gotten addicted to that modern marvel."

"I know everyone goes through that phase, but you're overgoing the phase here, Ron." You deadpanned.

"Say whatever you want, Y/n. I won't pay attention to your words~" Ron chirped. "Come in. I'll show you." Ron happily walked inside. You closed the door before following him with Isshiki.

"It's packed with people and scenery and dreams. What a magnificent slab it is." Ron mentioned, putting his hand on the TV.

"You can just call it a TV!" Isshiki exclaimed.

"Ron you shouldn't watch TV that much. Just look at your eyes." You pointed to his eyes. Even though your expression was devoid of emotions. Ron could tell how much you were worried about him just by the tone of your voice.

However, he became skeptical of his deduction. Because when it came to you. His deduction skills were completely useless. He couldn't figure out you and your true feelings. You were a closed book to him, which he would never be able to read despite his exceptional deduction skills.

Ron blinked in disbelief and pointed his finger at himself. "Are you perhaps worried about me?"

"Does it sound like I'm criticizing you? Seriously, Just look at your eyes." You stated, glancing at his bloodshot eyes.

Ron felt a rush of euphoria wash over him when he realized you were genuinely worried about him. At that precise moment, he felt his entire body ready to obey you for eternity.

He smiled softly at you, adoring you with an affectionate and tender gaze full of love and admiration. "I'll do anything for you Y/n."

Although You could tell his words were so authentic with no sugarcoating. Something within you stopped you from buying it. After all, all men do is lie. It was the one thing they were pro at.

"Um.." You hummed.

Suddenly the show "Psychie Abilities: Fact or Fiction" started airing.

"Daba, doobie-doo, daba-doobie-doo, baya!" Ron sang while dancing.

'Well, at least he's happy.' You slowly smiled.

"Let's start the live broadcast of psychic abilities fact or fiction? I'm Ono Yako, your host. On our show, a psychic and neurosurgeon go head to head in an attempt to verify psychic powers. The one demonstrating their power is a psychic you all know, Torage-San! And up against him is the genius neurosurgeon with miraculous hands..."

The host Ono stopped herself from saying anything further when she noticed the sleeping figure of the pink-haired girl whose face was mostly covered with bandages.

"Mofu-sensei" She called. "The show has started!"

Mofu flicked her eyes open and looked at her. "What? already?"

"Please look toward the camera." The host, Ono, motioned for Mofu to look at the camera. Mofu whipped her head to look at the camera.

Isshiki got alarmed to see her severely injured figure through the screen and pondered aloud. "Is she severely injured!?"