Brother Complex (4)

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While Nick is being distracted, Kyle is glaring at Ash as if he’s about to tear him apart. His face is the same as a gangster who’s about to attack an innocent person. Nick hurriedly pulls Ash away to avoid that scary look. He grabs Ash’s clothes and drags him away. There’s no other choices. He swears on Arthur Frost’s humanity, his action has no personal purpose.

After a few seconds, he manages to drag Ash to somewhere far away. The smile remains on Ash’s face, but his voice doesn’t sound happy.

“What’s wrong?”

“I have one proposal.” Nick says like a lawyer settling the divorce money.

“I’m listening.”

Ash answers while keeping his gaze to the front. The end of his gaze is no doubt Karlyle. Huff, this guy is hurting his pride. His love for Kyle also won’t lose, but somehow, he feels defeated by Ash. He can’t lose like this. Ash is gluing his eyes on Karlyle, okay then, Nick will glue his eyes on Kyle, too. Kyle is fidgeting, he’s obviously worried about him talking with Ash in private. Once they are done, he has to pour him with hugs and kisses. Well, they are madly in love with each other.

“Two rides and we are done. Deal?”


Ash replies, he’s still having that indifferent smile. So Nick was right. The salty expression Ash had at the entrance was legit.

“Why did Mr. Kyle want to come here with Lyle all of a sudden?”

(Nick’s monologue) [My apologies. Things would have been better if you hadn’t had too many dating experiences.]

Anyway, here they are. Nick decides not to say that.

“This is the amusement park. The more the merrier.”

He can’t let his husband be blamed for this situation. If anyone is at fault here, it must be Karlyle. He’s the Ice Maker, not the Ice Breaker. Or Ash Jones, the one who has too many dating experiences.

“So you find this situation exciting huh, Nick?”

What the? Is this guy mocking him?

“Okay. Then I guess you want to spend time hanging out with Karlyle’s “precious” brother, right Ash?”

There’s nothing exciting about this trip. But Nick has to stand up for Kyle. Why is this guy blaming his lovely Kyle? Kyle is a gorgeous existence that can bring warmth and happiness to the world. Ash Jones should have been thankful to be able to be near Kyle.

However, Ash doesn’t respond to his sassy question. Nick immediately understands why. They bawl their eyes out at the sight of Karlyle and Kyle from afar. Kyle, who was dead worried about Nick and Ash just a moment ago, is saying something to Karlyle and burying his face into his shoulder. Instead of pushing Kyle away, Karlyle is stroking his back with very gentle touches. Oh my god, he’s kissing his hair as well. What the hell is happening!

Ah damn, he can’t sue this.

The heat is getting to his head. This is the first time he has felt so frustrated. Normally, he wouldn’t bat an eye to people trying to flirt with Kyle since Kyle showed no interest in them. But Karlyle is different. That man is Kyle’s older brother, and he knows the Kyle from 0 to 13 years old, Nick can’t compete with him in this. The position of Karlyle in Kyle’s heart is something he stands no chance against.

“Hey Nick.”

Ash mumbles. Nick can sense it. Ash’s mood is dipping.

“Am I the only one who thinks this is weird?”

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