Alan looked towards his discouraged daughter, he may had played the victim card but she was playing a dirtier card. The "my-future-is-at-stake" card. Of course he wanted her to go the distance in her tyrannosaur research but, she could do it by theory, not actually observing a Tyrannosaurus rex.

A voice boomed over the ferry's intercom informed them that they were approaching Isla Nublar's port in fifteen minutes. Emma sighed while nervously clapping her hands together, she brought them up to her lips to assess the situation at hand. She couldn't think of any real reason to get him on the island without lying and he could indicate a lie out of her in no time.

All she could do was look out of the room at the side of the boat, watching as the island got closer and closer. Finally the boat approached the port and started to dock, letting hundreds of people gather on the dock towards the park. Dr. Grant raised up from slumping in the leather chair, he glanced over at his pouting daughter. He hoisted himself out of the chair, stretching out his back. He looked back down to Emma who was still sulking about his decision, he hated seeing her like this. Was he actually going to do this?

"The things I do for you." He sighed out, she glanced up at him in question. "If anything goes wrong, I'm holding you accountable." He said before reaching up into a compartment and grabbing a black suitcase. Emma shot up in excitement, grabbing her suitcase as well then exited the room in a hurry. She ran out onto the deck, leaning over railing taking in the lush view of the island.

She gasped at the sight of the green, tropical jungle. "It's incredible." She marveled. "So was the other one." Alan said placing a sunhat on her head as he adjusted his. They pushed their way through the crowd, people of all ages had come to enjoy the attractions, all still excited about them. Alan didn't understand why everyone was still so happy even though everyone knew of the event that happened twenty two years ago.

Emma spotted a woman wearing nothing but white and short, fiery red hair, who smiled widely at them, behind her stood a shorter woman with light brown hair, twiddling away at her phone with her thumbs and chewing on bubble gum. Emma grabbed on to Dr. Alan's hand and drug him over to the woman. "Hello Dr. Alan Grant. Hello Dr. Emma Grant. It's a pleasure to have both of you on the island. My name is Claire Dearing, Vice President and park manager at Jurassic World." Claire greeted them with handshakes. Emma peered around at the tropical island. "Pleasure to be here." She stated after shaking her hand, smiling endearingly at the woman.

Claire placed a slender hand on the shoulder of the woman behind her. "This is Kate, she is one of our most renown tour guides here. She'll be tagging along with us today." Kate shyly waved from behind Claire with a nervous smile upon her face. "Hello." The girl said quietly. Emma responded with a return hello before turning her attention towards Claire. "It's a great honor to have both of you here, especially you Dr. Alan." Claire emoted placing her hands in knitted together in front of her.

Alan looked at her with guarded eyes. "Well I haven't been here in quite some time," Alan teased with a smile towards the red head. "What's first on the agenda?" Claire looked down towards her phone, pulling up some sort of to-do list. "Well first I'd like to show you the lab, then I have a meeting to attend to, that'll only take about an hour so I'll leave you to tour the park with Kate, and then I'll come back to get you to show you our new attraction." She informed them, a fake smile twitching on her face.

Emma placed a hand on her hip, she could tell Claire didn't want to be here, that she'd rather be doing something else. Kate was also too attached to her phone to even look at the two guests, this made Emma feel even more unwelcome. Maybe this was a bad idea. "Sounds fantastic, Claire." Alan cheerily smiled, he was polite to fake the happiness for his daughter.

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