Chapter 1

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As Dom and Rhea are backing away...

Dom stops in shock. A man walked out. Dom moved aside and looked at the man. He has a mask similar to Rey's but with something covering his mouth, all you can see is his blue eyes.

 He has a mask similar to Rey's but with something covering his mouth, all you can see is his blue eyes

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Dom: Pedro?

Insted of answering he hits Dom with a stiff punch to the jaw sending him to the floor.

He looks up at Pedro before scurrying away.

* Later That Night *

LWO are fighting the Judgement Day who have out numbered them after being joined by Drew Mcintyre until...

The same man from earlier walks out when the words begin. Everyone in the ring stops.

The LWO roll out of the ring and get to the bottom of the ramp. The man joins them at the bottom of the ramp for a moment before sliding into the ring.

He looks at them all. He then looks at Dom then hits him with a superkick. He hits Priest with and inziguri then transitions it straight into a hurricanrana.

Finn goes for a clothesline but Pedro ducks it. He grabs Finn and hit him with a german suplex. JD goes for a punch but Pedro reverses it and lands a swinging neck breaker.

He is now looking at Drew. Drew runs for a claymor but Pedro does a kick up. He looks behind him, as Drew faces him he hit him with a super kick. When Drew hits the floor he lands a standing moonsault.

He rises to his feet as Drew rolls out of the ring. The LWO climb into the ring looking at him.

Santos extends his hand but Pedro just looks at his hand then to Santos. Pedro exits the ring and walks to the back.

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