Chapter 553 - Willful Spirit Soul

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If it had been anyone else besides the Heavenly Phoenix Douluo standing before him, Tang Wulin would have felt nervous. Instead, he felt at ease. It wasn’t because he trusted Leng Yaozhu, however. It’s because he trusted Gu Yue, her disciple. Gu Yue would step in to help him if needed. 

While the staff members rushed to run diagnostics on the spirit ascension platform, Leng Yaozhu took her time leading Tang Wulin and Gu Yue to her office. She sat down behind her desk then gestured for them sit as well. 

“We’ve already seen what happened to you two in the platform, and it was our mistake that you encountered the Tyrant Dragon. It’s one of the guardians for the path between the intermediate and advanced platform. The strongest one, actually. Due to our carelessness, it wandered to away from its designated zone.” 

She sighed. “To be honest, there wasn’t much we could have done to control a soul beast of its level anyway. At most we could have tried to lure it in the direction we wanted.” She tapped the desk with a finger. “And now it’s been absorbed by you.” Leng Yaozhu glanced at Tang Wulin and furrowed her brows. It was the Spirit Pagoda’s mistake to let the Tyrant Dragon out on a rampage, and normally they would have had to compensate any soul masters who suffered from it. However, the boy before her had absorbed the Tyrant Dragon whole. When the Spirit Pagoda staff members first caught wind of this situation, they had been shocked silly.

The moment Leng Yaozhu had heard that her disciple, Gu Yue, was in the spirit ascension platform and in the vicinity of the rampaging Tyrant Dragon, she rushed over prepared for the worst. She had made it just in time to watch on the monitoring screens the Tyrant Dragon dissolving into mist, fusing with Tang Wulin. 

Tang Wulin let out a strained smile. “Your Eminence, would you believe me if I said I don’t know what happened either?” 

“I would. Just tell me what you felt,” Leng Yaozhu said, not an ounce of doubt in her mind. She couldn’t imagine such a bright teenager, especially one kind enough to help his friends obtain spirit souls, to dare deceive her. Furthermore, she had already investigated his relationship with Gu Yue and found him quite favorable.  

Tang Wulin scratched his chin, eyes wandering as he gathered his thoughts. “I have a draconic bloodline, but it didn’t awaken as a true martial soul. I guess you could say it’s a sort of unconventional awakening?” He shrugged. “When I use my bloodline’s power, I emit a draconic aura that suppresses most draconic soul beasts. And when I encountered that Tyrant Dragon, I immediately realized it was impossible to defeat it. But I figured since I was in the spirit ascension platform, I might as well try.” Without hiding a single thing, Tang Wulin recounted the rest of the events to Leng Yaozhu, from what his plan of attack to the lack of changes within him after absorbing the Tyrant Dragon. 

Leng Yaozhu placed a hand on her chin. “Wulin, I’m embarrassed that you had to go through all that because of our mistake. However, the situation is a bit special this time. I’m afraid we’ll need you to cooperate for some medical examinations.” 

Before Tang Wulin could get a word in, Gu Yue frowned and stepped forward. “Teacher, why do we need to do that? Our trip into the spirit ascension platform this time was interrupted, and you admit that it was the fault of our Spirit Pagoda. So why does Wulin need to be examined?”

Leng Yaozhu glared at her, sharp and cold. “If the situation were so simple, then we’d just compensate you two and call it a day. But don’t forget that every soul beast in the spirit ascension platform was created from something.” 

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