Chapter 285: Livestream On

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[Ding~ The system will activate the live broadcast function in one minute. The lords outside the death arena can automatically choose any player to watch.]

[The lord who receives the most views in each battle will receive 1 million ordinary points. The second place will receive 800,000, the third 500,000, and the fourth to tenth places will receive 300,000.]

[The audience cannot get information about the lord and his subordinates, but they can know the level of the monsters in the arena.]

[Ding~ A distinct boss will guard the center of every arena. Killing the boss will give you additional rewards.]

[Ding~ Current number of players alive: 100, please take note.]

A string of system notifications jolted Richard to attention.

[One hundred would be placed in the same area to fight for the top 10 and then advance to the next round.]

This setting was quite interesting.

The only thing that made him frown was the live broadcast function.

His thoughts moved.

The yellow sand on his body glowed.

At that moment.

The sand hidden in the mud began to float up.

Slowly, it surrounded him.

Under the effect of magic, it cleared away the stench of the gravel. It turned into clean and pure yellow sand.

A small amount of sand floated on his face. It made his appearance blurry.

His face regained its calm after he had done all this.

He didn’t like to reveal everything about himself to others… However, the first place with the most viewers would receive a reward of 1 million points. It slightly tempered him.

If he could get first place in five rounds of popularity, he could directly exchange for a 5-stars treasure from the black-robed merchant.

Nothing seemed bad…

With this in mind, he immediately adjusted his thoughts.

The players outside could not see the attributes of the players inside the arena. So there was nothing to worry about it.

He retracted his thoughts and turned to look to his side.

Gunter led three small teams of dark gargoyles to scout the surroundings. “Report back immediately if you find any enemies!”

Gunter, wrapped in blood-colored bandages, immediately left.

Richard waited again, stupefied.

With a thought, the sand beside him dragged him straight into the sky.

He rushed into the clouds.

Five hundred meters in the air.

Richard’s field of vision widened.

The white mist in the swamp stopped at this height and did not rise any further.

He looked into the distance.

Above them was the blue sky, cloudless for miles.

Below him was a sea of fog with rolling waves.

Heaven and earth seemed divided at this moment.

At the end of his sight, there was no second scene.


[Steamed Bun Lover] felt a little regretful and could not enter the death arena fighting ring.

[201-400] LORD OF THE WORLD: I BECOME THE LORD OF THE DESERT FROM THE STARTWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu