Chapter 1

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Present day, New Orleans
[A bar called "Rousseau's" ]
Camile: So what brings you to the Big Easy?
Elijah: I used to live here.
Camille: Really, when? 
Elijah: Oh, it feels like a hundred years ago. 
People chuckle.
Camille: I just moved here myself. What brought you back? 
Elijah: Well, my brother's here somewhere. I'm afraid he might have got himself into a bit of a bind.
Camille: You say that like it's a common occurrence. 
"Because it is." Said Bella.
Elijah: Well ... he's complicated. Defiant, ill-mannered, and a little temperamental. See, we don't share the same father. Of course that never bothered me, but my brother resents it deeply. Never felt like he belongs. All told, he has a long history of getting himself into trouble. 
Camille: And I'm guessing you have a long history of getting him out of it. [Elijah nods smiling.]
Camille: What kind of bind is your brother in?
Elijah: He believes there are people in this town that are conspiring against him.
Bella, Layla, Marcel and Kol laugh.
"You make me sound crazy. They were really conspiring." Said Klaus.
Camille: Wow. Narcissistic and paranoid. [She shakes her head. Elijah observes her interest.] Sorry. Bartender with a grad degree in psychology. Total cliché. [Elijah reads her nameplate.]
Elijah: Listen, Camille, I'm looking for someone who might shed some light on his current predicament. She works here, Jane-Anne Deveraux. Any idea where I might find her?
Camille: No. But I know someone who might.
Street in the French Quarter
[A street in New Orleans. It's dark, just some bright signs can be seen. A female tour guide talks to some tourists.]
Sabine: Welcome to New Orleans, and the crown jewel of the Crescent city, the French Quarter. Jazz and jambalaya, romance, poetry, not to mention the things that go bump in the night. Monsters that feed off human blood, vengeful spirits of the dead, and my personal favorite, the witches. Here we have the voodoo shop, Jardin Gris. Go on, browse for a hex. [The tourists enter the shop while the tour guide stays outside, taking a few steps towards a person who is standing near the shop.]
Sabine: Are you going to continue following me, Elijah, or do you wanna talk?
Elijah: You know who I am.
Sabine: Original vampire, always wears a suit. (Elijah smiles.) You and your family are famous amongst the witches, especially with your... brother back in town.
Elijah: Well, Niklaus is here because he learned that a witch was conspiring against him. Someone by the name of Jane-Anne Deveraux.
Sabine: Well, if he's looking for Jane Anne, he's a little late.
Elijah: Are you telling me she's dead?
Sabine: Come on, her sister Sophie's gonna want to talk to you. [There is a crowd of witches. They stand, kneel and crouch sadly around the body of their fallen friend, Jane-Anne. The body lies on the ground, obviously dead, with blood on its neck. There are some flowers and candles around the corpse. Sophie Deveraux sits near her sister, weeping silently. All of the witches look depressed. Elijah and Sabine, the witch tour guide, appear. Elijah is truly shocked. They stop a few hundred meters away from the mourning witches.]
Elijah: That's Jane-Anne? Killed in public for anyone to find...
Sabine: Only people that come around here are the witches. Now her sister has come to take her body. Her spirit can't rest until it's been properly interred in the cemetery.
Elijah: (prayed) Please tell me that my brother had nothing to do with this.
"Why do you always blame me?" Said Klaus.
"Oh, come on! We all know that's something you would totally do." Said Bella to Klaus.
Sabine: No. Jane-Anne died because she got caught doing magic.
Elijah: What do you mean she got caught doing magic? [A loud whistle can be heard.]
Sabine: You wanna know who killed Jane-Anne? You're about to get your first glimpse of Marcel in action.
Elijah: The vampire Marcel?
Sabine: Things have changed since your family left town. Marcel has changed. [Vampires approach the witches]
Sabine: I'm asking you, stay hidden. If Marcel finds out that a witch lured the Originals back into town, my people will be slaughtered. [Elijah vamp speeds to a spot on a balcony, so he is hidden in the shadows.]
Marcel: Well, well, well, what have we here? I gotta tell you Soph, this street corner is not proving the luckiest spot for your family tonight. Not half an hour ago, we had to teach your sister a little lesson.
"God, he's like knock off verson of you." Said Bella. Klaus rolled his eyes.
"I'm not." Protested Marcel.
"Whatever helps you sleep at night, sweetie." Said Bella.
Sophie: We're putting her to rest Marcel. Leave us alone.
Marcel: I never said you could move the body. Matter of fact, I left her here for a reason: send a message. If anybody is thinking of joining some kind of rebellion, my rules state that witches can't practice magic in the Quarter and yet a little birdy informed me that Jane-Anne was cooking up something magically delicious. Oh, yeah. While I have you, quick Q&A. My old friend – the hybrid, Klaus – he just happened to show up out of the blue asking for, of all people, Jane-Anne. Any idea why?
Sophie: I don't know. Witches don't get involved in vampire business.
Marcel: Hmm. That would be pretty stupid, that's for sure. Tell you what, go back to the restaurant, cook up some of that famous gumbo, and keep those tourists happy. (To the vampires) Take the body.
Sophie: What? No! Stop! Stop! Marcel!
Marcel: I'm gonna hold on to your sister's body in case maybe you remember why Klaus is here.
Sophie: Marcel please. Her body won't be at peace.
Marcel: Not my problem. [Marcel and the rest of the vampires walk away with Jane-Anne's body. Elijah is still standing on the balcony, watching them.]
[Bella is sleeping. She looks like dead.]
People look at her with pity.
[Layla opens the curtaina and Bella wakes up.]
Layla: Wake up, Sun has risen!
Bella: And what do you want me to do? Photosynthesis?
Everyone chuckles.
Layla: What i want you to do is! Get up from bed and don't live on alcohol.
Bella: Don't you have anything better to do? Go bother your boyfriend or something!
Layla: Mom! I mean it! That's enough! You haven't drank blood in days and even than i had to force you. You look like corpse and smell like one.
Kol looks guilty.
Bella: Well... Technically I'm a corpse.
Layla: Doesn't mean you should look like one. I know you're grieving mum. Trust me, i have gone through this and this won't change anything. It won't bring him back. [Layla left. Bella screamed frustrated, heard phone calling and without looking at name
hunged it up. Call was from Elijah.]
In an alley behind "Rousseau's"
[Elijah is standing in front of "Rousseau's". Sophie Deveraux leaves the restaurant through a backdoor. She goes to a little table with burning candles on it. A dog barks somewhere. Sophie starts crying and talking to her dead sister.]
Sophie: Oh, you got me into this, Jane. Give me the strength to finish it.  [The door snaps shut. Sophie turns around. Suddenly, two vampires jump into the alley.]
Sophie: The doors work, you know.
Vampire 1: You're doing magic? 
Sophie: (raising her voice) I'm praying to my dead sister. Go ahead, pay your respects.
Vampire 2: Don't make this a thing, Sophie. The hybrid was looking for Jane-Anne. Marcel wants to know why. 
Sophie: I'd say ask her yourself, but I guess you can't, seeing as Marcel killed her. [One of the vampires speeds up and grabs Sophie. But suddenly, he disappears. Sophie looks around, afraid; the second Vampire is confused. Something falls to the ground. It's the heart of the other vampire. The second vampire looks up and then turns around to attack Sophie, but before he reaches her, he is also grabbed by a dark shadow. The vampire gets thrown at the wall, a dagger stuck in his chest. Elijah stands near Sophie, looking at the dead vampire.]
"It was so cool!" Said Bella. Kol nodded. Elijah smiled at them.
Elijah: I'm Elijah. You heard of me?
Sophie: (nodding) Yes.
Elijah: So, why don't you tell me what business your family has with my brother?

Bellatrix Mikaelson (The Originals S1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora