a month away and a random visitor

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As I sat at the table for my morning coffee I thought it was dad coming in from doing something outside so I ignored it until that someone picked me up and I almost gave them a good chop to the chest.

Bret:* winces* man I forgot how much that chop hurts

Charlotte:* whips around and hugs Bret* Bret oh my god I'm sorry I thought you were someone else

Bret:* hugs her back* yeah well I may have bribed your dad into letting you go to Calgary for a couple weeks go pack

Charlotte:* signs and head's up to my room packing a few suitcases not really knowing what to pack I packed a couple outfits of each piece of clothing I had which I hoped it would do me and walked downstairs with my suitcases* okay Bret now will you tell me what is going on with you

Bret: not yet but soon char trust me it's a surprise

Charlotte: I don't like surprises and believe me you don't want to know why

After traveling with Bret for the next eight to twelve hours on a plane I found out some interesting things about how he was trained for wrestling and how he grew up in a rough family and how he was alot different than people say he was. I always heard that Bret was rude and ignorant and full of himself and that he was not the best looking guy in the business. I thought about these things every day for a month and I still couldn't figure out why people would say Bret Hart was ugly he was actually kinda cute.

Charlotte: okay where exactly are we going?

Bret: don't worry Charlotte your going to be fine on the Hart ranch and yes we do have indoor pools and our own lake and a room sized firepit out back

Charlotte: well for a guy who doesn't like flaunting money you sure do like talking about it like my dad does

Bret: not really that is more my brother's than me but I do like trying to keep the place looking nice except for the last little while I kinda slacked off

Charlotte:* giggles and ruffles his hair* Bret your a dork and I still have a bone to pick with your brother Owen

Bret: your not going to let that go are you?

Charlotte: hell no I'm not letting him get off Scott free from slapping me I want you to train me

Bret:* looks at her and facepalms myself* oh lord I was not expecting that one why me?

Charlotte: because I trust you more than others not to do anything stupid

Bret: and yet here I thought I was just here for my good looks beside the queen

Charlotte:* laughs and playfully shoves his arm which started a play fight in the cab all the way to his house until his father opened the door when we arrived and separated us* uh oh

Bret: jinkies dad ya gotta be a party pooper we were only having fun

Stu: get your ass in the ring Bret training time and miss go freshen up and get changed into something more laid back for dinner

Bret: actually dad she wants me to train her and I actually want to teach her the basics so she gets a little bit of training in

Stu: Bret Hart women don't belong in wrestling unless their pleasing a man backstage

Charlotte:* holds my tounge and grabs my suitcases walking towards their house and trips Stu and keeps walking*

Bret:* watches char in shock I couldn't believe that she'd trip my father but I couldn't help but laugh* s sorry dad

Stu: that's it put her through the Hart dungeon let's see what this woman can handle pain wise

Charlotte:* looks at Bret and follows him after changing into my training attire and breathes nervously*

Bret: Davey Owen we have a a new person joining us for training

Davey: oh yeah who?* See's Charlotte and laughs* tell me she's not we'll turn her into minced meat

Owen: round two there Charlotte

Charlotte:* lunges at Owen I just wanted to choke him out but Bret held me back* you are so lucky he's got a grip on me right now

Stu: she's a spitfire why'd she go at Owen Bret?

Bret: because Owen slapped her and she refuses to let it go

Stu: ah ok well newbie here's the deal we don't normally take it easy on people in the Hart dungeon but since this is an all new territory for you we'll be gentle with the first month of training now boy's show her some of the drops that can be done on the mat

Charlotte:* is watching how the boys were doing the back and front drops and first chance I got I kicked Owen in the head* oops sorry I was stretching Owen

Owen: that was so on purpose Charlotte and you knew that you are as dirty a person as your father you both lie and cheat

Charlotte:* stands there shocked that I was compared to my dad* I is that what you think that I'm already like my father someone who cheats to get what they want I struggle through life with nothing Owen Hart you don't know me* get's off the ring and walks out slamming the door shut and grabs my bags leaving I just wanted to be left alone*

Stu: nice going Owen your doing dishes tonight for that mistake

Bret: ugh thanks bro now I have to go hunt her down and convince her to come back to the farm

Stu: Bret let her have some time alone

Bret: none of you's understand she has never been here before she doesn't know her way around here she's never left la before

Davey: fuck come on Bret grab the horses and let's go

Bret:* after grabbing dusty and shadow both me and Davey took off to find her but by the time Davey got back I was frustrated with Owen sitting on the porch as it was almost night fall *

Davey: Charlotte please for the love of God don't take off again please* helps her off shadow and shakily gets off myself and breathes*

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