Chapter 506 - Everyone's Brother-in-Law

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After he had haggled over the price for the mecha, Tang Wulin managed to bring it down to 280,000 points. It had still pained him to part with the points, though he could bear it. Two months and his mecha would be finished. 

But a week later and his piloting classes were about to begin.

“I’ll sign up for the afternoon class,” Xu Xiaoyan said when the topic of the optional mecha piloting class came up. Her eyes shone with interest. 

In the end, the only people from Tang Wulin’s team to take the class were him, Xu Lizhi, and Xu Xiaoyan. The other three decided to spend their time elsewhere. 

Gu Yue was still busy as usual, disappearing for the Spirit Pagoda every afternoon and only returning for dinner. Often with a bundle of food, which she'd give to Tang Wulin without a word.  

Once, Tang Wulin had tried to share some of the food with Xie Xie and Xu Lizhi. But Gu Yue had stared him down into submission. In complete silence. Xu Lizhi and Xie Xie had ran for their lives, tails tucked between their legs. Since then, it became a known fact that her food was meant for Tang Wulin and Tang Wulin only. 

“You want to learn how to pilot?” Gu Yue asked, tilting her head. 

Tang Wulin nodded. “I’m gonna give it a shot. It’s not like mechas and battle armors conflict with each other. If I can use both, then I’ll be even stronger. Safer too. And don’t forget, my goal is to join the army. They mainly use mechas in the army, so if I don’t even know the basics of piloting, what sort of position could I get my hands on?” 

“Okay. I’m just worried that you might be wasting your time,” Gu Yue said.

A smile tugged at the corner of Tang Wulin’s mouth. “I’ll be fine. When I was a kid, I dreamed about being a mecha pilot. I never even thought about becoming a battle armor master, or even knew what one was. I was born in a small, backwater town. That's what all the boys there dreamed about. To soar through the skies in a mecha, free as a bird.” 

Gu Yue giggled. “Sure. It’s up to you.” 

“Class is dismissed,” Shen Yi declared from behind the lectern. She left for the teacher’s door, but stopped upon opening it. Her eyes went wide.

“Hello, Teacher!” said a beautiful, silver-haired girl. 

Shen Yi schooled her features back in order. “Na’er? What are you doing here? Did you need me for something?”

Na’er shook her head and pointed a finger past Shen Yi, a huge smile blossoming on her face.

Shen Yi followed the finger, frantically wracking her brain as to why the direct disciple of the Sea God Pavilion Master would be here. Na’er was known as the number one genius in the inner court, raised under the direct and meticulous care of Sea God’s Pavilion. The fact that her talent earned the notice of the Pavilion Master was testament to her status as a peak prodigy. 

Who could she be looking for in the first grade? Does she actually know someone here? Shen Yi finally stepped back from the doorway and out of the way. She was curious to see who was acquainted with the little princess of the inner court. 

Na'er's figure stood out clearly upon the backdrop. A single glance and the entire first grade froze, enchanted by her adorable smile. Eyes widening, they felt their heart beats quicken, mind wandering the universe, lost in the wispy nebula. How a girl their age could be so dazzling and ethereal they would never know.

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