Chapter 5: Shadow Dui

Start from the beginning

She looked up at the sky as commanded. "So... Did the other Dui start to appear after the accident with your friend?" Ariana asked. "Yes. It was before I started working in the Department of Punishments. I was even worse at dealing with conflict than I am now. I think my young self's weakness created him. He's much stronger than me... My violent self. To think I have a part of me that's diabolical... I scare myself a little..." Dui said.

She held his hand which surprised him. "Thank you for telling me this. I don't know how to help out, but the least I can do is support you." Ariana said. "Ariana... I want to hold your hand forever. When you're not with me, I feel so lonely that I'm not sure what to do." Dui said. "You can hold onto it as long as you like. I'll be here." Ariana said.

The next day, after class, she made food for Altair since he asked. "Here you go~." Ariana said. "Oh wow! It looks so good!" Altair said. "It looks so good!" Dui said. "Lady Ariana, I want to draw a picture on it with ketchup." Altair said. "Of course! Here, I'll help you out with that." Ariana said. "No fair! Only Altair? I should be the one to draw something." Ichthys said snatching the ketchup bottle from Altair and ran away, resulting with Altair chasing after him. "Ichthys! Give Altair the ketchup and stop running around!" Ariana yelled. "What am I? A mother with kids?" Ariana thought. "It's dangerous to run around like that! Oh! Ariana! Look out!" Dui said.

Before she could move, Ichthys bumped into her resulting in dropping the glass ketchup bottle on the ground. "I did it now..." Ichthys said. "Good job..." Ariana said. "Enough!" Shadow Dui exclaimed. "This isn't good. I'll get Scorpio. Altair, contact the heavens now!" Ichthys said. "Yes, sir!" Altair said and after that they both left the room. "So... This got triggered because of ketchup..?" Ariana mumbled. "What are you mumbling about?" Shadow Dui asked. "Nothing..." Ariana said. "What are you staring it? Am I that rare of a sight?" Shadow Dui asked. "Uh, no. I see Dui about every day." Ariana said. "You mean the goodie-two-shoes Dui? That reminds me... I've felt this strange emotion in his heart." Shadow Dui said.

She glared at him and he went closer to her and picked her up by the collar. "He told you to leave him alone, didn't he? He's weak..." Shadow Dui said. "He's not weak! He-" Ariana said. "He tricked you, huh? He's been sucking up to you and telling you that he wants to stay with you. That's selfish!" Shadow Dui said. "Stop!" Ariana exclaimed and got out of his grip. "Hmph. You love him, don't you?" Shadow Dui asked. "No." Ariana answered. "No point in lieing. Do you want to know how he really feels about you?" Shadow Dui asked. "I'm not going to listen what you have to say!" Ariana exclaimed. "He couldn't give two shits about you!" Shadow Dui said. "And I don't give two shits if he feels that way or not! I still trust him way more than you!" Ariana exclaimed. "What are you..?" Shadow Dui asked. "If you were always with Dui, you out of all people should know how he feels. Why would you do things that hurt him?!" Ariana asked. "Me? Hurt him? What are you talking about? If I weren't around, he'll have too many feelings to deal with. He's always pushing the annoying stuff on me to take care of. He should actually be thankful for me." Shadow Dui said.

She glared at him straight in the eye. "You and him are so much alike. I'm gonna tell you something he doesn't want you to know. He told you how he killed a god, right? But he didn't tell you the truth." Shadow Dui said. "Nope! Not gonna listen to what you have to say!" Ariana exclaimed. "Fine. Don't believe me if you don't want to. It's true he did kill a god and that he was charged with sin. However, no one ever charged his friend who ate the forbidden fruit. You know why?" Shadow Dui asked. "Because he was dead." Ariana answered. "Nope!" Shadow Dui said.

She looked at him suspiciously. "In order to protect his friend's dignity as a god, he had to hide the truth that his friend had eaten forbidden fruit and was being consumed by evil. Instead, he told people he had argued with his friend and killed him." Shadow Dui said. "That's a big fat lie!" Ariana exclaimed. "Too bad. He could've said he killed his friend as punishment for his friend's sin. If he had just told the truth, he wouldn't have to bear the disgrace of being called a god killer. Instead, he chooses to sacrifice his life for his best friend's reputation! What an idiot!" Shadow Dui said laughed. "This guy..." Ariana thought. "He didn't tell you any of this, didn't he? You don't even know the truth. What could you possibly know about Dui? My personality came into being because he needs me. I'm the only one who really understands him. You could truly understand so quit causing chaos in his heart!" Shadow Dui exclaimed and grabbed her by the neck. "Remember this... I'm the only one who truly understands that guy. So how about you do me a huge favor and piss off?"

"How about you... Go screw yourself..?" Ariana said in between breaths. "Damn it... No matter how I look at it, this is Dui... I can't hurt him even though he's hurting me right now..." Ariana thought. "Please. I can kill you in a second." Shadow Dui said tightening the grip on her neck.

She struggled to have his grip loosen and kicked him hard on the chest. "Why you imprudent woman!" Shadow Dui exclaimed and was kicked down by Scorpio.

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