16: Cat's Out Of The Bag

Start from the beginning

"Miss Berry."

Her melodic voice felt like a mosquito buzz in my ear as Catarina suddenly stood beside me. Her high heels should've alarmed me, but even that I had managed to block out in my eager to be done with these forms. That meant I was now forced to endure her presence and translucent smile as I slowly looked up at her.

"Catarina," I sighed, turning back to my form after acknowledging her. I sensed her move a little closer, placing a hand on the counter I was standing by.

"I heard the news. Giving up so soon?" She said, furrowing her brows in a way that almost looked sympathetic. "I'm sorry it had to end this way. But I'm sure I, out of all people, can understand why you did this."

I paused my pen and quickly processed her words. Did she think I was quitting... to avoid Harry?

Pursing my lips, I had to bite down my smirk as I felt her move again, circling back around me.

"I'm glad you heeded my advice. I know it's difficult to understand, but... he is who he is," She told, as if she was the expert on him. "And it's very mature of you to realize that this is the right thing. I'm only sorry it's effecting your eduction."

"Yes," I replied curtly, still fighting my smile, "Very sad."

"If you ever need a recommendation, I'd be glad to help. I know you probably don't consider me a friend, given our past... but I wish the best for you, Cassandra. Truly."

Her voice sounded so convincing, I almost believed her. Perhaps in some way, she did wish me the best. That is, if the best was getting further away from the man she was still trying to con.

How disappointed she was going to be when she found out. But I wasn't going to be the one to tell her. That would ruin the fun.

"Thank you," I therefore smiled back as sweetly as I could. "That means, ah... a lot to me."

Catarina gave a smile that filled out her plump lips, and I almost believed that to be genuine as well. At least until her eyes flicked up to something happening behind me.

The door to the registrar's office went, and with a small gust of wind, I felt someone enter. I turned around automatically, and the flip my stomach did was astronomical as I saw Harry enter, wearing his coat and scarf.

The second he saw me there, a small smile slid onto his face, until he saw who was behind me. He looked at Catarina, then at me, and with a subtle shake of my head, I let him know what he needed to.

She doesn't know yet.

Harry caught my gaze, and with a purse of his lips, he walked deeper inside. "Miss Berry. Catarina."

"Harry," Catarina sung in that familiar way. It sounded comically friendly in my ear, as if she wanted to emphasize how great friends they still were—better than me and him. "How nice to see you again."

"If you say so," Harry deferred, walking up to the registrar's desk with a calmness exuding from him.

"I was sad about how we left things last time, though," Catarina continued, now completely ignoring me as she walked up to Harry and placed a hand on his arm, giving a sympathetic look. "Your mother is still upset. I think you should call her. You know, make amends."

"To what end?" Harry replied, giving her hand a dry glare. "She won't be happy until every building in the world has the name Devon strewn across it."

"That's not true, Harry. She simply wants the best for you," Catarina cajoled, as if he wasn't seeing things clearly. "She loves you and only wants you to have what you deserve."

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