Yall immediately jumped them.

Seriously, you don't know what overcame you and your friends. But, to have your highschool graduation trip ruined by all this bullshit had all of you fuming and those poor men had to pay for it. All of you, seven in total, had knocked those men out within a few minutes.

Two of your friends, Kylo and Archie, went up to what looked like a battle arena. You and Milo didn't assist them, those two were already deadly on their own. You loved them, but they could probably bring down the entire secret services as a whole and put an end to the planet. While your other three friends finally pulled open those doors, revealing a kitchen. You all rummaged the drawers for supplies, only successful maybe half of the time, but you were grateful regardless. Speaking of drawers, there'd been drawers all around the place.

Oh boy.

And, Kylo and Archie seemed to be knocking out those guys at an alarming pace. Your friends Armani and Milan were attempting to free an old man from said arena, which you decided not to ask about. Alder, a kind soul, went out to hopefully find help. You felt bad leaving them on their own, but Alder insisted. Didn't stop you from watching them leaving though. Maybe you should do something too, so you slipped out of the shelter quietly, with your bat in hand. Determined to find something to help your friends.

Was that....a dog house?

You cautiously approached the dog house, the various signs made you feel a bit uneasy but you pushed on until you heard a ferocious growl. You shiftly turned around, hammer in hand in case you really needed to defend yourself. Only to see a tiny white dog, you immediately put your hammer back on its holder. You wouldn't need it. You and the dog awkwardly stared at each other before it moved up to you.

You looked at the dog who sniffed your pocket wearily. You raised an eyebrow and took out the meat from your bag and offered it to the dog. The dog sniffed once more, and gently took it off you. As if it—he was trying not to offend you. You looked at the empty bowls, Twado, the bowl said. The dog was skinny and a bit malnourished, but you could tell he had a lot of fight in him. A tiny soldier perhap, he didn't move when you raised your hand to pet him. You caught sight of his tiny tail wagging as you did so. What a sweetheart, you thought, knowing damn well this dog may have been capable of tax evasion. And judging from the various scars on his body, he'd been through way more than that. Was that an open wound? You moved closer to get a better look at his bleeding paw, he'd gotten stuck in a trap. Poor puppy.

"Poor thing." You muttered, looking at the storm. "Can I pick you up bud?" You asked, squatting down to get on eye level with the white dog. Twado, the puppy, seemed to understand that your intentions weren't bad and he let you pick him up. You carried him back to the base, he needed medical attention, but you couldn't afford it, none of your friends could. Not after spending a combined amount of your spare high school savings on the resort.

And your heart ached, you couldn't help him yourself, so you placed him safe with Milo and went to find Alder.

"There," Alder said, patching up Twado's paw. "Good as new, you're lucky we found you before that wound got infected, especially with the rain!" Alder said. He was thankfully a veterinarian, he was the only one who actually delivered on that promise in your 3rd period class.

Okay good, Twado was safe and fed, resting with the old man Milan and Armani had managed to save. His name was Pete, but since you guys had saved him—you guessed he considered you all family. As he called himself Uncle Pete, rather than just Pete. So, you guessed you had a cooler uncle now. Meanwhile, you found Alder talking to a big burly cartoonish man while Twado rested. Detective Bradley Beans, as he was called, he was a sweet and gentle man from what you could tell. Humongous though, perhaps he could be labeled a gentle giant, as the man was 6 feet tail and rather wide.

Solace, and finally, Peace. (Scary Mary x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now