Chapter 2 - I don't even know her

Start from the beginning

"I'm always good." He replied, nodding at her. He watched her grab her things and waved her out the door, keeping that forced smile on his face until she was out of sight. The moment she was gone, the smile disappeared and a quiet sigh escaped his lips. I'm gonna miss Visions. he thought to himself, walking back into his room and locking the door behind him. 

He pulled off his hoodie and changed out of his suit into a normal outfit, a tank top with sweats, and sat down at his desk, pulling his textbook out of his bag and getting ready to finish the mound of homework he'd been putting off. As he tried to get past a fifth page of English reading homework, he felt his focus begin to waver, his mind flooded by the presence of his own thoughts.

I guess I'm not gonna see her again. Maybe I should shoot my shot? He thought to himself, referring to the girl he'd met his first week at Visions. He'd only attended the school a couple months, but in that time he'd gotten fairly close with a girl in his physics class, a blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl named Gwen Stacy. She was nice, smart, pretty, a girl worth asking out. Of course, he'd been too chicken to do it before, but considering the fact that he'd be leaving soon he was debating whether he should at least give it a chance.

And Ganke...I'm gonna miss him. His roommate and best friend at Visions, a almond-eyed boy who had gotten pretty close to discovering Miles' secret identity as the Prowler before. But luckily, Miles had been able to keep it a secret, despite all the close calls. Ganke was a nice guy, and Miles hoped he'd still be able to keep in touch with him.

As he moved onto his chemistry homework, his thoughts began to wander back towards the other girl he'd met. The girl he'd saved just a couple hours earlier. What did she say her name was? Oh right...he'd never asked. Although there had been no reason to ask. She probably wouldn't have even remembered her name if he did ask, considering how out of it she'd been that night. He couldn't help but feel a little sorry for her. Brooklyn could be a dangerous place. It was lucky that he'd gotten there when he did, because there was no way she could've fought her way out of that predicament.

She was pretty though. His eyes widened and he smacked his forehead. Concentrate! He thought to himself, staring back at his chemistry notes, forcing himself to finish the last page. But his mind kept returning back to her gorgeous eyes, her soft lips, her long hair. Shit.


Monday, 7:15 A.M. - Two weeks later


Miles woke up with a start, his art imprinted on his cheek, the ink not having dried before he'd fallen asleep while drawing. He groaned quietly, sitting up from his desk and stretching before glancing over at the time. 30 minutes before he'd have to leave to school. His new school.

His mom had transferred him from Visions Academy to Brooklyn High, a public school notoriously well-known for its drug-addict students and low graduation rates. But it was one of the only schools still accepting students mid-year. And they had some fairly challenging classes. AP Physics, AP Art History, AP Calculus, Miles had skimmed through their class directory before agreeing to go. He had to challenge himself if he was going to get into a good college after all (he's such a nerd). 

30 minutes later, he was rushing to snarf down his cereal, crumbs on the side of his face as he grabbed his bag, ready to sprint to school to get there on time. Class started at 7:55 and he couldn't be late on his first day. "Oye, dame un beso (give me a kiss) before you leave!" Rio said, cupping Miles face in her hands and giving him a sloppy kiss on the cheek before wiping the crumbs off his face with a distasteful expression. She was rushing as well, late for another hospital shift that she'd taken up.

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