"Welcome home Y/n-sama" Your maid bowed her head politely.

"It's been a while Rem. I'm glad to see you're doing well. So where are my dad, Mum and little brother?"

"F/n-Sama is in the library and M/n-Sama hasn't returned home yet. The patient she's in charge of is undergoing surgery today. The Young master is eating breakfast in the dining room. Would you like to have some breakfast?"

"I'd love to but I've already eaten. So don't bother yourself with it." You assured her.

"If you say so"


"Dad. How are you doing?" You smiled, taking a seat in front of him.

He closed the newspaper he was reading and looked at you. "Y/n, I have found a fiancé for you. Meet him in a week."

"You found what?" You blinked.

"Yes, and you're very familiar with him." He mentioned.

"I know him?" Your brow furrowed in puzzlement.

"It's Mylo."

You felt your entire world turn upside down just by hearing his name. Every unpleasant and toxic memory flooded your mind, terrifying you to the core.

"You must be out of your mind, right?" You muttered in bewilderment, unable to believe what you were hearing. "I won't do it."

He clicked his tongue. "You're still sticking with him. Y/n he has no future. Do you want to ruin your life? I'm suggesting this for your own good."

"If it's for my own good. Then let me decide with whom I want to spend the rest of my life. Just because he's going through hard time, you're telling me to ditch him instead of supporting him? Your level of thinking utterly disappointed me, Dad. Keep this in your mind, Dad. I'm not your bargaining chip but your daughter. It's my Life. As an adult, I have every right to take my own decisions." You stated firmly.

"Have you ever made any decision that was good for you? You just go with flow, Y/n" He taunted.

"Please spare me with your taunts. I don't have time to deal with your habit of creating drama out of absolutely nothing. I'm electing Misha as the CEO of our drama agency. Because I want to resume my detective work."

"Again! You're making an absurd decision! How much money do you think you can make from that insignificant job? Listen Y/n you're a bright child. It's your responsibility to lead our company. Once I resign--"

"Dad, I think you're mistaken. I haven't come here to ask for your permission. I come here to inform you." You got up from the chair. "You only care about profit so I'll remain the director. I'm only giving my CEO position to her. Trust me you won't suffer any loss."

"Kids these days just don't know how to respect their parent's hard work. Sure, if you're that insist. Do as you wish. If you end up ruining your life because of your absurd decisions, don't blame me for not warning you."



"A collaborative investigation with the Aichi Prefectural Police?" Isshiki queried.

"You know that serial killer case that's causing a stir in Aichi Prefecture? We found a similar victim in Tokyo. Eagle Eye Kawasemi is coming." Amamiya informed him.

"Eagle Eye Kawasemi!?" Isshiki's eyes sparkled with awe at the mere mention of his name. He clenched his fists in delight and began to brag like a hardcore fan. "With the top serial murder clearance rate in the country? The super-skilled detective? The guy they say might become superintendent general in his twenties? The kawasemi Omito!?"