Chapter 433 - Speaking Righteously!

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Tang Wulin's claw slammed into the purple mecha, forcing the purple mecha backward and leaving five deep gashes in the chest armor.

The other battle finished as well. One of the yellow mechas had its central cable severed by Xie Xie, while the other had been decapitated by Ye Xinglan's third soul skill, Starfall Sword. She had descended like a meteor, smashing through the mecha's barrier with a slash of her sword and destroyed the head. Fortunately for the pilot, the cockpit was located in the torso of mechas so he only jumped in fright at the sudden loss of vision.

"Stop!" Tang Wulin's voice cut through the chaos of the battlefield.

He swiped his claw in front of him. Five dark gold beams shot out and tore through the earth, leaving deep lines in the dirt. The purple mecha instantly stopped in the middle of its counterattack.

Tang Wulin had merely fired off a warning shot. If the purple mecha took on his Golden Dragon Dreadclaw, the pilot would be gravely injured, if not die immediately.

The battle finished just as quickly as it started.

In terms of absolute strength, Tang Wulin's team of six couldn't compare with the three mechas. However, the mechas hadn't fought to their fullest potential. Seeing that their opponents were young children, they had underestimated them and Tang Wulin's team took full advantage of this to launch a surprise attack and secure a victory.

No one would have expected a group of kids to attack a patrol squadron of mechas!

The yellow mecha pilots couldn't accept their defeat. They hadn't even brought out the full capabilities of their energy shields or had a chance to launch a counterattack before they were incapacitated in a flash.

The purple mecha pilot harbored similar feelings. The pilot had underestimated Tang Wulin, and this was a costly mistake. He couldn't react in time to Tang Wulin's sudden attack and the appearance of battle armor.

Under the effect of his gauntlet, Tang Wulin's golden dragon claw doubled in attack power! It could easily tear a hole in the purple mecha's shield. Furthermore, he had Golden Dragon Shocks the Heavens, helping him cinch victory.

"Just who are you kids?" the purple mecha's pilot asked, fear, anger, and wariness intermingled in his voice.

Tang Wulin stood up straight, any hint of his previous timidness gone. "Do you realize your mistake?"

"Mistake?" The pilot was taken aback by the confidence in Tang Wulin's voice.

Tang Wulin raised his chin righteously. "We're enforcers sent by Headquarters to evaluate the ability of the local enforcers to adapt to new situations. You have been disappointing. Just because we're young children, you underestimated us and neglected to consider the possibility that we were hostile. Do I need to remind you that evil soul masters launched a terrorist attack not too long ago? Those evil soul masters excel at disguising themselves. If you're all so lax, then what would you do when danger really comes? We're just here to keep you all on your toes. Go back and reflect on this, then write a report to headquarters. Understood?"

The pilot's back broke out into a cold sweat. He couldn't help but believe Tang Wulin. They were so young yet so strong and hadn't dealt any lethal blows throughout the whole battle, despite being in perfect position to do so. Then Tang Wulin said they were sent by Spirit Pagoda headquarters. It was the only plausible explanation in his mind.

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