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(Spoilers for MWIII warning! I didn't like how Soap was killed in the campaign so here, he will be wounded by Makarov, not killed. His death seemed needless and he needed to grow more as a character. There were more things I pointed to and criticised, so here's what I'll change. Ivan isn't dead, Nolan isn't captured, they both appear here in this alternate timeline I created, Makarov looks like his OG counterpart, and Milena wasn't interrogated by Ghost and Soap.)

(Alternate outcome)



Collapsing to the floor, Soap groans and shouts in pain, having been shot by Makarov below the stomach between the hips. From behind, Ghost and Gaz approach the sight and engage Makarov and his forces. The Russian terrorist retreats, sprinting away toward the doors to exit the subway tunnels leading into London.

Price stands and aims down his P890, ready to go for the kill; a train drives by, blocking his line of sight on Makarov, who slams the exit door shut, fleeing from Task Force 141 and leaving an explosive with a wounded Soap, who is greeted by Ghost who applies pressure to the bullet wound to stop the bleeding.

Ghost: "Johnny! Look at me, mate! You're going to be alright! I swear it."


Price: "Gaz! With me! We need to defuse the bomb, ASAP!"

Gaz: "Roger that, boss!"

The sergeant and the captain approach the bomb left behind by Makarov and place pliers close to the red wires as they need to be cut at the same time to defuse the said bomb.

Price: "Soap said the red wire. On the count of 3, we defuse it. 1. 2. 3!"



Both SAS operators look at the bomb, having defused it and saved everyone the trouble of having a flooded train tunnel. Gaz lets out a sigh of relief before turning his head around to look and see Soap and Ghost.

Gaz: "Shit, Soap!"

Price: "Shite!"

Both operators approach their close colleagues with Price helping Ghost apply pressure on the wound to ensure Soap survives. As for Gaz, he stands to look down the tunnel leading to London and grips his radio.

Gaz: "All units this is SAS Sergeant Garrick! We need medical ASAP! We have multiple K.I.A. and one wounded!"

CTSFO Officer: "Copy, sergeant! We're closing in, stand by!"

Looking back at the injured Soap, he sees Price and Ghost doing their best to stop the bleeding. Gaz then hears shouts coming from the tunnel followed by footsteps; both Price and Ghost look to see paramedics and CTSFO officers approaching the site.

Paramedics with a stretcher approach the wounded Scotsman whilst Price and Gaz move with some CTSFO officers to clear out the tunnels, making sure they're clear of Makarov's army. Soap shouts and hisses in pain as he's placed down on the stretcher and is carried away, out of the tunnels to safety.

As for Ghost, he stands and watches as Soap is carried away to get first aid for his injury. Ghost then looks to the doorway where Makarov fled and lets out a dissatisfied sigh. He picks up his Chimera rifle and walks with the CTSFO officers, joining Price and Gaz to clear the tunnels thoroughly.

4 days later...

Batumi, Georgia

November 26, 2023





Homeland (A COD MWIII fan-made book with alternative outcomes)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum