4 ~ unacceptable behaviour

Start from the beginning

"I think you need some sleep. You go to bed, get some rest." He says, pulling the bedsheets out, from being tucked underneath the mattress. I climb into bed, after Charles pulls the covers out, and drift off to sleep.


"Let's not have a repeat of yesterday, please." Charles says, as we walk through the turnstiles, into the paddock. We're immediately met with cameras, fans and posters. I stand behind Charles, wanting to get away from the big crowd.

I stay stood right behind him, as he speaks to all his fans and signs their merchandise. He checks every few seconds that I'm still stood there.

After he's finished, we walk into the Ferrari garage through the back entrance.

"You go find Carlos in the garage, I'm going to get changed." Charles says, before walking into his private driver room.

I walk further into the garage, but don't see Carlos anywhere. Charles' engineer, Xavi, gives me a look from across the garage, making it seem like he doesn't want me here.

I make eye contact with him and raise my eyebrows. He keeps his expression the same. Carlos walks into the garage, and I break eye contact with Xavi, turning to look at Carlos.

"Hey Emilie!" Carlos says cheerfully, walking over to me. "Where's Charles?" He asks, looking around.

"He's getting changed." I say, smiling up at him. He nods. "Can I go and find Max?" I ask him.

"Yeah, go on then, I'll tell Charles that's where you've gone. Just try not to get ran over this time." Carlos says, laughing slightly.

"I'll try." I say, while laughing. I walk out of the Ferrari garage, and down the pit lane, into the RedBull garage.

Charles pulls his red fireproof top on, and ties his race boots, before walking out of his driver room, into the Ferrari garage.

Carlos is sat in his chair, watching back the videos from yesterday's practice sessions.

"Hey mate, where's Emilie?" Charles asks him, looking around the garage, and not seeing me anywhere.

"She went to see Max, I told her it was alright." Carlos says, looking up at him, and spinning round in his chair to face him.

"Ok." Charles says, before sitting down on his chair next to Carlos. They talk about the race, and the strategies they are using. Time flies by, and before they know it, it's almost time for free practice three.

I walk down the pit lane, and see Ella and her friends stood outside the McLaren garage. She looks at me, and our eyes lock. I walk over to her.

"What are you doing here?" I ask her loudly, on the verge of shouting. Ella just shrugs her shoulders, and all her friends laugh.

"Just piss off and leave me alone." I state, staring at her.

"Ooh, someone's got a mouth on her." Ella taunts, tapping my cheek slightly, purposefully aggravating me.

"Fuck off!" I shout at her, before grabbing her wrist and slapping her in the face.

"Hey, hey!" A British accent shouts from behind me. Two hands clamp down on my shoulders, before I'm gently guided away.

The person lets go, and I immediately spin back round, to face Ella. She just points and laughs at me.

"Emilie." The man says sternly, before standing in front of me. It's Lando.

"She's a bitch." I say quietly, stepping back, and looking at him.

"Yeah I know. She was slagging off the Mercedes cars. She doesn't know the first thing about formula one." Lando says, agreeing with me.

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