Chapter 399 - A Powerful Opponent

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Tang Wulin’s arms began moving faster and faster, his hammers thundering down upon the titanium crystal like a raging storm. Although forging hammers didn’t have a standard weight, hammers were generally better if they weighed more. Tang Wulin’s hammers certainly weren’t light. In spite of that, he swung them easily, his arms resembling a windmill as he continuously struck the titanium crystal. Crisp metallic notes resounding throughout the arena, and the sounds soon began ringing out so fast that they blended together to form one clear, everlasting note. The music of a craftsman filled the air. It was a wondrous experience for everyone in the audience.

Tang Wulin circled the metal as he forged it, continuously adjusting the angle of his strikes, but as time passed, no change seemed to occur to the titanium crystal’s mass. It was almost as if Tang Wulin’s strikes were too soft.

Can you even call that forging? Many of the spectating blacksmiths doubted Tang Wulin’s forging method. Although they were shocked by how precise Tang Wulin’s control was, they didn’t see how such light taps could be effective for refining the metal. Is he just using a flashy technique to try and show off? All that matters in the end is how much he can purify the metal! He’s only got thirty minutes. There’s no way he’ll be able to finish in time with such a gentle forging technique!

Tang Wulin’s forging astonished He Xiaopeng as well. The rhythmic hammering sent shivers down his spine, but a moment later, he regained his wits and turned his attention back to his own table.

The worst thing that could happen when two blacksmiths forged in close proximity was one being disturbed by the other. He Xiaopeng was just a youth, but he had started blacksmithing at a young age. His foundation as a blacksmith was impressive, and he easily pushed any distractions out of his mind. He made himself deaf to Tang Wulin’s hammering and focused on his own work. 

Of all the blacksmiths present, only Feng Wuyu subtly nodded in approval of Tang Wulin’s actions, a proud smile forming on his lips.

“Why is he forging like that?” Zhuo Shi couldn’t help but ask Feng Wuyu. He may have been the powerful Scarlet Dragon Douluo, but he knew little more than the next person when it came to blacksmithing.

At that moment, possibly because he was overcome with pride in Tang Wulin, Feng Wuyu didn’t just outright patronize Zhuo Shi. “Look carefully. It might look like Wulin is forging it very gently, but each strike carries just enough force to penetrate the titanium crystal. Although it hasn’t reduced in size, the golden threads inside the metal are being manipulated, almost as if he were spinning silk from it. He’s straightening the golden threads first so he can find the veins and life source of the titanium crystal. Once he accomplishes that, he will then awaken its spirit. He’s forging it from inside out! This is the most suitable forging method for a high-quality metal like titanium crystal. Of course, laymen like you would never have heard of this. Only blacksmiths rank fifth and above are capable of using this technique, and even then, not everyone can do it.”

Feng Wuyu chuckled with satisfaction. “Just you wait. You’ll see how skilled my disciple is!”

Zhuo Shi rolled his eyes at Feng Wuyu’s smug expression, but didn’t bother responding. He was just happy that someone knew how talented his granddisciple was. 

And Feng Wuyu was right. Anyone watching closely would be able to see the golden threads within Tang Wulin’s piece of titanium crystal gradually transforming. The rough edges of the metal started becoming smooth, and most importantly, the golden threads shone brighter and brighter as he continued to hammer the metal.

It was then that He Xiaopeng finally started his forging process. He pushed the button on the table and a glowing hot piece of titanium crystal appeared. Unlike Tang Wulin’s piece, the golden threads within He Xiaopeng’s couldn’t be seen at all. It simply looked like a ball of fire.

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