Drae stayed quiet but Mattheo snatched the letter from Scarlet, reading it over again. "Who the hell would she be with that we would be furious about..." he trailed off, a look of realization on his face.

Mattheo shot up from his seat, dropping the letter on the table and grabbing his bag. "Where are you going?" Scarlet questioned him.

He didn't turn around as he started to walk away, and they silently watched him. "To find my little sister," was all he said.

Kylo didn't even bother to grab his bag as he got up and followed Mattheo. "You can't stop me from coming."

Mattheo gave him a nod and started to talk to him, but they reached out of earshot and Scarlet didn't look away from them until they disappeared from view.

"I'm surprised you aren't going," Blade said to Declan.

Declan shrugged his shoulders, pushing around the food on his plate. "I've got a few people looking for her already."

"How the fuck?" Enz mumbled, looking at him skeptically.

"You scare me," Drae muttered under his breath.

Scarlet shook her head, wiping away her dried tears as Theo cleared his throat, gaining all of their attention. "I was thinking of going to the Underground tonight. Anyone else in?"

"Seriously?" Scarlet deadpanned, sending him an annoyed look. "You think right now is a good time to go out partying?"

"My life is already going to shit, so spare me sister if I want to get drunk and forget about my dammed future," he retorted back, grabbing his bag.

The rest of them stayed silent as they watched him storm away, shoving other students out of his path of escape.

"We're all dammed," Scarlet sighed, facing back to the boys. "Why does this feel worse than the last time Lei left us?"

"Because this time it is worse," Blade answered her rhetorical question, putting his books into his bag. "This time we're all in some type of arranged marriage with hell. This time none of us has a choice."

"He's right," Drae mumbled, dropping his fork on the table with a loud sigh.

Scarlet looked around at the last of them still seated. She looked around at her family—devastation, and exhaustion covering their faces.

They truly were in an arranged marriage with Voldemort controlling them.


"I still can't believe you convinced us all to come here," Scarlet muttered, getting out of Theo's passenger seat as Mattheo parked his car beside them and Enz got out from the backseat. "I don't even want to get drunk or fight tonight."

"You say that now, but once we get inside, you'll probably have a great time," Enz joked, throwing an arm over her shoulder as Declan and Kylo walked over to them, and the rest of the boys got out of Mattheo's car.

"Leila's here," Mattheo informed them and Scarlet swore a little color returned to Kylo's face at the information.

"How do you know that?" Theo asked, starting to walk toward the twin black doors.

Enz pulled Scarlet along with him behind Theo as Mattheo answered, "Because someone told me she would be here tonight."

Scarlet glanced over at Kylo and Declan, the both of them talking quietly to each other before Declan silently turned around, walking back over to his bike.

Enz noticed, sending Scarlet a confused look that she shrugged her shoulders at as they walked into the Underground, music greeting them. As soon as the other students came into view, Theo darted toward the drinks while Kylo went straight toward the Pits.

Troubled Nott || Mattheo Riddle (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now