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Kaufmo doesn't come out of his room very much so you don't know him to well..
Y/n's POV:

It's been two months since I got here and I'm actually surprised that I haven't gone insane or what they say... Abstracted. Im starting to get comfortable here in the circus and me and the others are getting really close including Jax

Well even if Jax had been pranking and teasing me he's still nice, he really reminded me of Jason and sometimes I almost call him Jason, when he asks me who he was I tell him he's no one and he would just shrug it off
We were in the middle of the theme song, then all of the sudden a jester looking girl came out of nowhere and knocked us down, and Jax landed right on top of me! We both blushed and got up

"Caine is this one of your NPC or is this a new sucker? Cause if it's a new character we're gonna have to redo this whole theme song" Jax said with an annoyed tone but he was still blushing a bit "I dont wanna do that again" Zooble then said "My, my, I see a new human had entered this realm!" "Wasn't it obvious" I thought
"How do I take this headset off!" the new girl said whle pulling her eye "Just keep grabbing at it, it worked for all of us" Jax said with a smug smile on his face. I nudged his shoulder and glared at him "What?" he replied, still having that smug smile on his face. "W-what's going on? I put on some weird headset and now I'm.... Here. How can I take it off? Where am I?" she said while panicking "Hey let's try to calm down, everything's going to be okay new stuff, we've all been through this we just gotta get our heads-" Ragatha said but the new girl cut her off "What the (censored) is going on?! What-" "Now, now my dear, we cant have any of that foul language around here. The amazing digital circus is a place for all ages where anything can happen, well... Except for swearing" then the new girl started swearing but couldn't because of censorship "Trust me newbie, I have tried that before" I told her and she looked at me "Oh my God" she then said "How can I.. Uhh leave?" she then added. Caine was about to answer her but was speechless "Well you can't exactly-" then Ragatha was cut off by Jax "You can't" Jax said with a smirk and "what" was the only thing new girl said "Guys don't be mean.." Ragatha said "We've all been here for years well except for Y/n, and if there was a way to leave, all of us probably should've left by now" Jax said while he took Zoobles hand and used it to scratch his back but Zooble grabbed him by the neck

~After Pomni got a tour and got her name (cuz I'm lazy)~

Caine gave us a new adventure called "gather the gloingks" and I gotta admit the gloingks are annoying as heck

"What was that?" "Oh that's just one of Caine's silly adventures that he makes us do to keep us from going insane" I told Pomni and she nodded "Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked Jax "I'm fine doing whatever, as long as I can see funny things happen to people?" Jax said with a smirk on his face but it immediately turned into a frown because a gloingk hit him on the head "Alright I had enough with these things" he said in a annoyed tone "You, me, dollface and Pomni are going to check on Kaufmo. So that leaves crybaby and Hoo-ha together to handle the Zooble situation" Jax said "Are you sure it's ok to pair them up?" I asked him "Of course, their the most mentally stable characters here" he replied

And off we go to check on Kaufmo

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