Part 2

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Xiangling was working in the kitchen, giving orders to the other chefs working and Wanmin Restaurant. She was just putting a plate of jade parcels on the counter to be collected when she saw a person that looked to be the same age as herself. My, they were pretty, their (y/h/c) hair slightly blowing in the evening breeze. One part of Xiangling wanted to just watch the person forever, while the other scolded herself for staring and told her to get back to work.

After a couple seconds of pondering, Xiangling assumed that the kitchen staff would be fine for a bit while she took the role of waiter. Guessing no one had taken their order, she grabbed a notebook and pen and started walking over to them. Xiangling realised that next to the particularly beautiful person, sat Ganyu.

Ganyu's POV:

As me and y/n talked and looked over the menu, a woman with black hair and yellow and red outfit walked over to us.

'Hi Ganyu! Long time no see,' Xiangling smiled at me, then looked over to y/n. 'And who's this? A new customer I presume? '

Y/n made a confused face and I giggled. 'No, Xiangling, we've met before... ' The look of utter shock on Xiangling's face was priceless, I wished I could've used my kamera to capture it.

'Y/N?!?!?' Xiangling screeched, and I had to send her a glare before she clapped her hands over her mouth. 'Oh my archons what happened to you?? ' She gives y/n the up and down, blushing slightly.

'I... Nothing happened... ' Y/n said with a smile and a laugh at Xiangling's shock.

We had all been childhood friends (Lets just say Ganyu isn't immortal for the sake of this fanfic) and went to the same high school. Back then y/n was very small and shy, not speaking unless spoken to. Sure, their grades were really good, but they weren't very social. Now they was the complete opposite, funny how 6 weeks can change your whole persona.

Xiangling and y/n made idle conversation for a bit until Xiangling remembered what she was here for;
'Oh! I almost forgot! May I take your order? '
Y/n and I placed our orders, and Xiangling went away to serve other customers. When Xiangling was finally out of earshot I faced y/n.

'See? You've changed! In a good way of course, but even Xiangling doesn't recognise you. '

Y/n nodded, deep in thought while I looked around, a comfortable silence.

By the time our food arrived we had gossiped about people we didn't like in college, laughed about old memories and talked about our futures. We were just giggling about something when a random guy walked up to us, an overconfident smirk on his face

'Hey baby, wanna give me your number? I'm sure we can be great friends....'

This man had some audacity to walk in to one of the most famous restaurants in Liyue Harbor and ask for someones number, but before I could interrupt the guy, y/n shot me a look. I'll handle this. Y/n then pretended to be very interested in the conversation the man was making, and after a couple minutes of what I can say was the worst attempt at flirting I have ever seen in my entire life the man finally asked for their number.

Y/n flashed a smirk and came close to the man, whispering something in his ear before he ran off into the night.

She then sat down as if nothing had happened.

'What was that?? What did you say to him? '

'I possibly might have given him the number for the pest control' Y/n grinned evilly.

We both laughed at the classic seductive stranger maneuver then settled into a companionable quiet while eating the dishes we ordered.


Your POV:

You and Ganyu burst into your apartment, laughing hysterically.


'NO WAIT LEMME GUESS HE DRANK IT' Ganyu wheezed. You two had been laughing about a guy you had met on your way to the small village your family lived in. He had followed you around for two days before you had decided to make a small concoction that you had learned to make in high school.  Xiangling had raided the professor's desk one lunchtime and found a recipe for a draught that instantly knocks out whoever drinks it, and the three of you had committed it to memory.

It was quite simple, actually, you just needed 3 qinxin flowers and some whopperflower nectar.

After you and Ganyu had calmed down you checked the clock in the living room. It was 1am. You two had decided to take a detour after dinner, walking around the harbor while chatting.

'Ganyu, it's pretty late so do you wanna stay over? '

'Y/n I'm sure I'll be fine, but I'm tired so yea'

You lended Ganyu a pair of pyjamas and a spare toothbrush you always kept for her, sleepovers were very common between you two.

Once you were ready, you immediately climbed into your bed and snuggled into the multitude of pillows and blankets on your bed, fall was coming fast and temperatures were dropping even quicker so you had come prepared.

Ganyu whispered a faint goodnight and you felt sleep take over.


The next morning you woke up to the sun streaming into your room. You sat up groggily, then realised that you didn't have to go to college, so happily flopped back under the duvet. Ganyu stirred then jolted awake.

'OH MY GOSH I HAVE SO MUCH TO DO TODAY'  she jumped out of bed, grabbed her stuff and ran into the bathroom. You chuckled. This was usually how you started your mornings at sleepovers, Ganyu would rush around getting ready, and you would stay in bed until she was five feet away from the door, then you would remind her that it was a second Sunday morning, which meant she had the whole morning to relax.

You turned around and checked your alarm to find it was 10am. You usually would sleep in until at least 1, but since Ganyu was already ready for the  day, you reluctantly dragged yourself out of bed and towards your half-full wardrobe.

Today you were going to try to relax, but little did you know that your day would be anything but restful.




I lied last chapter. My motivation is going downhill lmao.

I'm sorry the updates are so short I'll try to make them longer😭

~•Beauty Is A Curse And A Blessing •~(GenshinxReader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt