"Oh! The Epel Felmier unit!" a sudden voice said way too close to your ear.

"Shit!" You yelp, frightened from the Owner suddenly appearing next to you. Scrambling, you push yourself off the poor androids display, looking at the manager with disdain. "A little bit of a warning would be nice!"

The manager shakes her hands rapidly,"My bad! I couldn't help but notice your interest in the Epel Felmier Unit! Now let me tell you something about this short beauty, despite his cute looks he's quite the little hot head!"

That, you can believe, as any short guy would be.

"Hard working, and willing to do just about any manly work," She flexes her arms," not to mention his units have been known to participate in the Harveston farming community, as a popular choice of android. A natural harvester and perfect unit for a cute sled date."

"So....a farm boy?" You ask, looking over him, and in a little awe you can spot soft delicate freckles splattered over his nose and cheeks. They're faint on his smooth 'skin' but noticeable, truly an art of the androids creators.

Even someone like yourself who lacks magic, can feel its faint pulse as they charge.

"Has the accent mode installed too!" The Owner then nudges her head to the other glowing glass case, where a taller unit is laid, in its case. Reluctantly you come to it. You can see high cheekbones, sharp with a more warmer complexion and a slight tan, his bob cut hair the color of dandelions that gently rest against the nape of his neck. Unlike the Epel unit, this one looks sturdy, his body lean but you can tell more fit with a muscular build.

" Here is the inspiration of the loyal huntsman of the Beautiful Queen. The Rook Hunt Unit! Loyal to its owner! Do you need a companion in the mountains or even your own personal ranger? Then the Hunt unit is for you. This deadly beauty is certified by most environmental rangers, and has been recommended by most outdoorsmen for those who want a guide or maybe if you are a fellow poet. Your own, admiring huntsman."

She winks as she looks down on the sleeping android. You don't blame her. Looking past his bob cut, even you had to admit there is a handsomeness to his looks, the curve of his sharp eyes closed and the dark lashes that grace his cheek bones. His lips are a bit thin, but look plump to kiss.

Unlike Epel, he held a hat that didn't match the scheme of his clothes. A brown hunter hat with a long white feather that curls. However it was his hands that rested on it that took you. Beautifully crafted, long fingers to knock bows, the grooves of his fingers and you can make a soft bump where he notches his arrows. Large hands and you can imagine what he can hold in them.

"Please stop touching the glass," The Owner pipes up, a bottle of winex in hand," it gets hard to get off."

Embarrassed, you clear your throat brushing your hair as the squeaky cleaning is done. You looked at the last coffin and felt your skin rise.

Stepping close, almost afraid, you could see him.

The Vil Unit.

If the other two were beautiful in a delicate or handsome sort of way then Vil was another level. There is a grace he was molded in, the curve of his jaw cutting yet a softness with it. The sharp shape of his eyes, yet there is a soft roundess brought by his long lashes. His hair a pale blond shade bordering white with oddly enough a soft ombre of purple at the tips of his hair. Long and braided back into a bun with a graceful twist, a gold decorated crown seated around him with hearts. Like the other two he wore his kimono inspired dress, his hands clasped together, soft and long with sharp painted nails. Even with no makeup he was breathtaking.

You didn't pay attention to the clearing noise of the Owner as you pressed into the glass in wonder.

Vil looked beautiful, a sleeping Queen instead of a prince surrounded by light of the fake flowers in his glass, the pink tint of his lips making them look so...so..

"Soft," you murmur over his face.

"Ahem!" You're pulled out of your trance as the Owner pulls you back, her friendly grin gone."Sorry, but no kissing the display case!"

An ungodly wheeze leaves you when you realize you're practically about to smooch the glass display. Face practically hot and sweaty, you turn away immediately embarrassed.

"I'm so so so sorry!" You apologize, stumbling over to the owner," I didn't-! I uh, this is so embarrassing!"

Feeling merciful the Owner sighs and begins to walk over with a winex bottle in hand and a towel she had on hand somewhere. "It's alright, you aren't the first one to try that," She sighs as she depressingly cleans Vil's display," this android gets more action than all of us."

That's oddly depressing, you think but you have no room to talk since you just tried to smooch the display.

Wiping down Vil's coffin, the Owner pipes up with a much warmer voice," As you can already tell Vil is our top best seller, a legacy android of the Schoenheit line, a popular model with both young and older groups. Whatever you want, an actor, a singer or even a trainer, Vil can do it. He's the best of the best, and can make anyone beautiful under his certified guided hands. As are most of our unit have been certified in their respective groups and for our customers' health."

"Oh! I know how handsome he is! Vil's tend to trend more!" Gushing over him, she looks at you with a more sympathetic look.

"Just looking at you, you might not be able to afford him but that's okay, he's too good for us both." She said assuringly.

"What! I can afford him!" You said defensively. Your bank account says otherwise but you will not acknowledge that or the loans.

"Yes of course!" She claps her hands rapidly like some golfer groupie," Customer can afford our brand lines like Vil!"

Oh, oh this owner! Annoyed, you look over Vil's display case to see how expensive and exclusive he must be just to see if you can pay it off in payments. Taking a glance at the pricing, your abruptly turn around on your heel and squeak," So about those other units!"

The Owner brightens and begins showing you out of the Pomefiore room and out into the dark hall.

Vil would have broken you.

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