"Ok master.."

"Wait ..." Meimei was about to leave when Yuzu calls again. He was removing Zixuan's clothes when he felt the heat. He touches Zixuan's forehead and neck with a frown "call royal healer too. His highness caught fever."


Empress dowager looks at Afreen displeased "Your good for nothing brother drugged to son and tricked my son to climb on his bed ? And you want me to save him ?"

"He didn't tricked his highness. His highness himself invited my brother. But that scum consort Yuzu used his highness's drunk state to manipulate the tru....."

"Oh .. shut up ! Stop lying to me face. I am not a kid. Zixuan is my son and I know what he can do." Empress dowager scoffs.

Afreen bites her inner cheeks.  It's just she has no power over Yuzu otherwise she would never come to beg this old bitch. "Even if he did that, he was helping us against Yuzu. Shouldn't we help him ?"

"Help him ? How ? What you want me to do ? Beg consort Yuzu ? Did you forget the ranking order of Zi kingdom ? After the emperor and empress, the person who holds the highest power is noble consort, not empress dowager.

Right now, after Zixuan, Yuzu holds the highest power. I can't change his decree. Your brother needs to wait until Zixuan wakes up."

"Wait means ? Wait in prison ? If this words go out it can cause bad blood between Zi and my kingdom." Afreen warns using her background as a shield.

"Your kingdom's prince drugged Zi emperor and tried to bed with him ." Empress dowager smirks "You want words to go out ?"

"You wouldn't help him ?" Afreen asks with rising anger this time.

"I can't, Afreen .. nobody can help prince Yaad until Zixuan wakes up and trust me consort Yuzu knew this when he sent prince Yaad to prison." Empress dowager yawns. 

"Ask your brother to wait and also ask him not to brag about his political skill next time...cause surely he doesn't have any."


"No drugs, your highness. It's just high amount of alcohol. The fever is also because of that. A cold shower can help. His highness will be fine till the morning."

Yuzu nods at the royal healer "Thank you !"

"It's my duty.. then I shall take my leave."

Yuzu nods again. He waits until the royal healer leaves before placing his palm on Zixuan's forehead.

"Master , should I prepare a bathtub with cold water ?" Meimei who was standing beside the bed asks hurriedly.

Yuzu screams no in his mind. "Hmm..." 

"I am doing it right now." Meimei almost jumps out of the room.

Yuzu shakes his head but leans down to pull Zixuan up from the bed.

Zixuan falls on Yuzu's arms like a dead body with his nose on Yuzu's neck .. "zu....smell .... go..od..nauw"

Yuzu hides the faint smile that was appearing on his lips. "Asshole. I should've left you with him. He is perfect for you. An asshole for an asshole."


Jia-Li looks at the scene unfolding in front of her with killing eyes. She glares at the guards standing in front of Zixuan's bedchamber. "Why ?"

The two guards look down.

Jia-li hisses "Why didn't you inform me when all of this happened ? Why did you inform consort Yuzu ?"

The guards look at each other.

Jia-li controls herself from slapping the guards dead "I am the one whom you are supposed to inform. I am his highness's most favoured concubine. Did you forget ?"

Jia-Li looks inside the room again. The more she sees Zixuan being all over Yuzu, the more her face becomes ugly "Fucking answer me ! Why didn't you inform me ?"

One of the guards finally opens his mouth "we were asked to inform noble consort."

Jia-Li laughs in disbelief"oh really ? By whom ? You noble consort himself ?"

"No !" Another guard replies this time "we were asked my his highness , himself. He ordered us that if anything goes wrong in his room or in this harem , Noble consort should be the first to be informed."

Jia-li frowns "wh.. when did he say this ? Don't lie ?"

"We are not lying. His highness gave this decree to us when he announced consort Yuzu as noble consort."

"Shut up !" Jia-li shouts while glaring at the guards in disgust.

She was about to leave when she saw Afreen standing behind her. She glares at Afreen too. "Look what your stupid brother has done."

Afreen smiles calmly "My brother did nothing Jia-Li. It's what you have done. Yuzu was living peacefully at one corner of the palace , neglected and insulted by His highness. But you ... You really needed to frame him with your stupid lies ..."

"You were with me on this too , Afreen...and don't forget .. you were the one who wanted to go after Yuzu in the first place. You are the one who said Yuzu will become the empress if we sit back and do nothing."

"And look I was right." Afreen points at two entangled figure in Zixuan's room.

Jia-Li looks at the direction where Afreen is pointing. She grits her teeth "I would never let that happen. Mark my words... I would never let that scum Yuzu win."

Afreen smirks satisfied as she sees the anger on Jia-Li's face "Yes ! You shouldn't."


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