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Equivalents, in order of appearance, these words are replaced:

Holcomb - Adventure Bay

Kansas - Adventure State

Kansans - Adventurens

Colorado - Foggy Bottom

Santa Fe Railroad - Builder's Cove

Arkansas (Pronounced "Arkan-sas") - Tames (Pronounced "Tame-s")

Finney County - Squidland County

River Valley Farm - Lookout Farm

Herbert William Clutter - Ryder

Mr. Taylor Jones - Mr. Horatio Turbot Jones

Garden City - Jake's Mountain

Washington - Barkingburg

Eisenhower - Princess

Bonnie Fox - Katie Fox

Eveanna Clutter - Ella

Beverly - Liberty

Kenyon - Tuck

Nancy - Skye (Original Brown hair, changed honey colored)

Wichita - Big Valley

Bobby Rupp - Chase Rupp

Lynn Russell - Carlos

Rozel - The Bay

Lookout - Valley (Definition)

Alfred Stoecklein - François Stoecklein

Dick Hickock - Mayor Humdinger (Humdinger)

Perry Smith - Sweetie

Olathe - River

Mrs. Clarence Katz - Mrs. Farmer Yumi Katz

Jolene - Betsy

Gerald Van Vleet - Alex (Porter)

Bob Sands - Wildcat

Chicago - Sticksburg (Reference to Dragonsfire1995's story)

Oklahoma - Doggerton

Kansas City - Adventure City

Bob Jones - Wally

Willie-Jay - Robo-Dog

Wilma Kidwell - Coral

Dodge County - Adventure County

Paul Helm - Sparks Helm

Bob Johnson - Terry

John Foster Dulles - Gustavo Goodway

Mrs. Myrtle Clare - Matea

Mrs. Sadie Truitt - Ms. Marjorie

Hartmann's Cafe - Porter's Cafe

In Cold Blood - Truman Capote // PAW Patrol EditionWhere stories live. Discover now