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"Wait a minute," the thin man carrying Su Lin seemed to have thought of something. He leaned close to the elegant man and whispered, "He is Su Lin's ex-boyfriend."

The elegant man was startled, "Su Lin's ex-boyfriend?"

He turned his head and asked, "Does Su Lin care about him very much?"

Liang also raised his head in fear, not understanding why these two people came.

"Uh, this..." The corner of the thin man's mouth twitched, "Originally, it was, but he betrayed Su Lin and got together with Su Lan."

The elegant man showed an interesting smile, as if he had accidentally eaten the melon and found it very interesting.

"Did you get together with your boyfriend's brother?"

"Look at you like that, you are such a pathetic person. You are not even worthy of carrying Su Lin's shoes, but you still have the guts to fall in love with him and fall in love with a fragile human being. Why, Su Lin is too strong and it hurts your self-esteem. "?" The man said sarcastically with a smile.

Liang Ye saw that the man never left Su Lin, and combined with their kidnapping of Su Lan, his mind quickly realized something.

He asked tremblingly: "Are you here for Su Lin?"

"Oh? You are quite smart," the elegant man praised him appreciatively, but his smile was strange and sinister, "But knowing too much is not a good thing. We only need Su Lin's younger brother, you... ..."

"No! Don't kill me! Please, I, I can help you lure Su Lin out!" Liang Ye was sweating, and his voice was shaking unconsciously. He knew that the unknown person in front of him would really kill him.

The fear of death made him crawl on the ground, hugging the man's legs like a dog and begging for mercy.

"Brother... please give me a chance! As long as you don't kill me, I will do whatever you want me to do!"

The elegant man was stunned by Liang Ye's sudden begging for mercy. In response, he raised his chin with interest and said jokingly: "Like a dog, this expression is really interesting. Then Please tell me, what value can you bring to me? If it's good, I wouldn't mind giving you a chance."

Liang also swallowed hard, sweat dripping from his forehead.

He couldn't help but glance back and forth between the two of them - the thin man seemed to know their relationship with Su Lin well, and he should be someone from the base. As for elegant men, they should not be from their base.

If there is such a terrifying thunder-type superpower in their base, it is impossible not to become famous.

Now, when the Sirius base and the red base are fighting, Su Lin, as the leader of the superpowers of the red base, suddenly appears an enemy superpower who colludes with someone in the red base to kidnap Su Lin's family. It's normal to use restraint.

"You want to deal with Su Lin, right? I, I can provide you with important information!"

Liang didn't care about anything. In order to survive, he told all the secrets he accidentally discovered: "The kid who always follows Su Lin is... his new love. That kid is very weird. be careful!"

"He, he can control zombies and communicate with zombies!"

"Oh~" The thin man gasped, unable to believe what he heard. "Are you crazy?! How is this possible?"

"It's true, I saw it with my own eyes!" Liang Ye said hurriedly. "He was picked up by Su Lin. He was not from our base in the first place. No one knows his origin. Aren't you going to deal with Su Lin? Maybe, maybe he will be the biggest obstacle?"

(BL)[MTL] Saving the love brainHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin