summer loving had me a blast

Start from the beginning

"Hot." He chuckles, drinking some cold water from the fridge.

"Dada! We go swim!" Lucy shouts excitedly after catching sight of Robbie.

I smile as my husband walks over and picks her up, throwing her little body in the air and then catching her again.

"Oh are we now?" He questions in a teasing voice which made my daughter let out a loud giggle. "You gonna swim like Ariel?"

Lucy nods excitedly in response. "Lu-Lu swim wike Ariel!"

"Let's go then, monkey." I take the three year old from my husband and hold her on my hip. "Dada will join us after he's had a shower because he's smelly."

Robbie gasps in mock offence. "I'm not smelly!"

"Dada smellyyyy." Lucy giggles, putting her fingers in her mouth, so I quickly hand her a pacifier.

"That's very rude, princess." Robbie walks over and places a kiss on Lu's forehead and then pecks me on the lips before disappearing upstairs to have a shower.

"Are you ready to go in the pool, bubba?" I ask the toddler as we make our way into the backyard and past the nets where I grew all my fruit and vegetables.

"Scawy..." She mumbles, looking at the water with caution as I place her down on a sun lounger so I could take off my shirt and pants.

"Mama will hold you the whole time baby, don't worry." I reassure her, picking the small girl back up once I was stripped down to my brown tie-bikini.

I walk over to the steps and slowly make my way into the pool, holding Lucy tightly and muttering reassurances to her as she whines slightly, the cold water touching her little chubby feet.

"You're doing so well baby!" I cheer, now standing on the bottom of the pool in the shallow end, so it was only up to my waist.

"Colder than bath..." Lu mumbles, kicking her little feet back and forth gently under the water.

I laugh a little at her statement, deciding to walk around a bit to get her used to the feeling and temperature. "Wanna go a bit deeper, sweetheart?"

She nods slowly and I wade a little deeper so the water was up to our chests, carefully watching Lucy's reaction so I didn't scare her.

Just as she was starting to relax more and get used to the pool, I hear Robbie shout "cannonball!" and jump into the deep end, creating a huge splash over both me and Lu-Lu.

"Robbie!" I yell at my childish husband, as Lucy immediately descends into tears, clearly not liking being splashed by a tidal wave. "Sh sh sh... it's okay baby it was just dada being silly..." I soothe, bouncing her up and down gently.

"No wike it, dada!" She yells angrily through tears as Robbie swims over to us with an apologetic look on his face.

"I'm sorry darling, I didn't mean to upset you." He tells her, stroking her now wet hair gently as she tells him off.

"Bad daddy!" She huffs, glaring at Robbie and splashing some water at him.

I bite my lip to stop myself from laughing at her offended tone of voice, and just grin at Robbie. "Yeah, bad dada!" I put on a fake annoyed expression.

"You girls are ganging up on me now is that how it is?" He asks with a grin, wading closer to us.

"Oh no you don't." I chuckle as he holds his arms out, knowing what he was about to do.

Before I can react he quickly takes Lucy off me and sets her on the side of the pool, then picks me up in bridal position and throws me into the deep end as I scream. "Robbie!!" I re-surface wiping the water from my eyes and see my husband and daughter laughing at my state.

"Oh you think this is funny, Lu-Lu?" I swim over to the giggling toddler who was still on the side and pull her into my arms, tickling her sides.

"Mama stoppp!!" She gets out through squeals of laughter, so I immediately stop my tickle-attack and place a kiss on her wet forehead.

Robbie and I talked last night about doing our best to make Lucy know that 'no means no', and she can say it whenever she feels uncomfortable and we will either stop what we are doing immediately, or help walk her through it. It's something I was very grateful to have growing up, especially as I got into the acting industry, and so I wanted to pass on my sisters wise words to my daughter.

The toddler gasps as I lower her slightly more into the pool and the coldness hits her again. "Oh no." I chuckle. "Is that cold on your bum?"

The little blonde nods, clinging onto the straps of my bikini and nearly pulling them down. "Lucy bum got cold."

I laugh softly at her adorable response, hoisting by bikini strap back up onto my shoulder so it didn't fall off.


(Lucy's POV)

Mama and dada let me swim for ages and ages until mommy said we had to get out because it was my nap time, which I didn't like.

"No nap! I no tired." I tell her firmly, trying to wiggle out of her grip as she climbed up the steps of the pool, carrying me firmly on her hip so I don't fall down.

"You must be tired after allll that swimming, baby. Even little mermaids need their sleep." Mama tells me as she wraps a pink hooded towel around my body to keep me warm as the sun had gone behind the big hill that is next to the house.

"Dey no need sleepiesss." I whine, looking back longingly at the pool.

"Oh they defiantly do." Mama bounces me up and down in her arms slightly as she walks upstairs towards my bedroom, which doesn't help my sleepiness.

I continue to whine and fight mama slightly as she changes me out of my swimming clothes and into a regular diaper and onesie for my nap, but she just gently shushes me and gently holds my hands still when she needs to in order to dress me.

"Milkies..." I whine, pulling at the shirt that mama had just thrown on over her bikini.

"Two seconds, hun." Mommy coos, quickly picking me up off the changing table and sitting down on the wooden rocking chair, cradling me in her arms and lifting up her blouse and bikini top so I could latch on.

As I drink mama rocks back and forwards slowly, and I find it hard to keep my eyes open, the morning in the pool finally starting to make me sleepy.

"There we go..." She whimpers, running a finger form my head down to my nose. "Go to sleep bubba..."

As mama continues to whisper softly to me, I can feel myself drifting off to sleep as I continue to suckle for my milk, feeling safe in her warm embrace, and happy that I now have the best mommy in the whole wide world...

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