the story

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The frog was in their pond they had a loving family, at least they thought they did, a word traveled fast and their parents didn't react well that idea of a loving family disappeared after they were disowned and told they can be this delusional person somewhere else so they left crying the conversation still playing in their head as they tried to find a loved one to stay wait but it was all the same

"Penelope! I heard word around town that you were faking to be nonbinary what ever that is!"
"I- umm mom let me explain I just- I feel- I don't feel like a boy or a girl it's hard to explain"
"Penelope don't make me ashamed of you all of out relatives know now!"
"Mother please I'm sorry.."
"It's too late now your father and I made up our minds you are no longer our daughter! We want you out until you watch that nonbinary nonsense out of our head! You are a goddamn embarrassment!"

They could feel tears run down their cheek

"What what you just throw me out because I don't wanna go be she/her or Penelope! If you've been through town you know I go by Alex.."
"Ohh Penelope I'll never call you by what you aren't so suck it up"
"You know what you are right mom maybe I should leave.."

Their mother looked surprised at them

"You are not my daughter.. get out!.."

As our tiny adventurer left a tear fell down their cheek they had all of their stuff and they left


As Leo listened to the story he couldn't help but feel sympathy the little frog had gotten through so much and they just wanted a save place a place Leo could give them he brings Alex in for a tight hug as he tells them

"My friend you are always wanted and accepted here.."

As Alex looked at him they couldn't control their emotions they smile and hug

"Thank you friend"

(Hello everyone I know I said that you could name him but I got someone tell me I should name the little frog after myself because they are inspired by my story in life)
(371 words)

the non binary frogWhere stories live. Discover now