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I know this isn't the best place to write and publish this kind of content as it is probably a place where many people go to destress. But I want to try and I want to put this out as it's a frustration I haven't been able to communicate with anyone so I just want to puke everything out. Note: this is not edited but if this is uncomfortable for you to read, good- it's supposed to be. However, if you start spewing random, irrelevant crap, I will have to draw the line. For me and the statics and actions have proved it- it's a genocide and it needs to stop. Also note, I've read a speech by Elie Wiesel, called "The Perils of Indifference" and I definitely used some quotes from that speech. Also, this is emotionally driven, however, facts are just a search away- please note, find credible sources.

Growing up, I've always had a special hatred for modern history. Nearly everything that happens after the 1450s is stroke-inducing and cancer causing. Colonialism, imperialism, deadly wars, genocides, slavery, racism, and the list can go on and on. This certainly was a time of technological growth but it also marked the decline of culture and somehow, in some way, a decline of humanity. Everyday, I see people online and in real life that makes me question myself as a human. Where is the empathy? Where is the compassion? Are humans not supposed to be the most empathic beings on this earth? Then why do I see animals acting more compassionate, more empathic, show more kindness, than some humans who claim to be on the side of humanity? Why has the world come to this point?

In the 1450s we had the beginning of colonialism, the start of imperialism- the beginning of what I would consider the darkest moments of history. Genocide, plundering, false promises, and returning kindness with slaughter. The centuries do not get better as slavery is soon introduced. Thousands of people worked to death, millions of lives lost, so many displaced and yet, a vast majority did not care, only thinking of profit, only believing themselves to be superior as if our blood were not of the same origins. The raiders became strong while the raided could only suffer.

As the centuries pass, humans have continued to fail humanity. Civil wars, strife caused by external forces in the name of democracy and freedom, the insistence of butting heads in where it did not belong caused the already broken societies from centuries of mistreatment to collapse. And when wars break out, only the common people suffer. The innocent die for the corrupt and the cycle repeats.

Up to now, and even now, so many people have lost their lives to irrelevant causes. Stolen of their livelihood because of the actions of those in charge. Lies spread and the truth is always buried. Eyes blinded to the light, ears deaf to the sounds. Only seeing what they want you to see, only listening to what they want you to hear. It's ironic, we read about it in those dystopian novels without even realizing it's happening to us. To wake up is hard, to go against everything you've ever known is hard, to change is hard, to stand up for what's right is hard, and to know you might lose so much is harder.

Today, a million people are on the brink of extinction. Forced into a corner of their original land by the same people who they had welcomed with open arms and warm hearts. Yes, I am talking about the Palestinian and Israeli conflict, though to call it a genocide is more accurate. I've first learned about this conflict two years ago through a video and I remember starkly the conversations I had with my sister about it. The uncanny resemblance of colonialism and imperialism. I'm not anti-American, but I do disagree with a lot of what some Americans have to say nor will I ever appreciate its history.

It makes no sense. We all mourned for the Jews during the holocaust, but why is no one mourning for the Palenstainians why is no one speaking against the Israeli as another Holocaust is in the making? Why the indifference? Why the carelessness? How can we not have already learned from the mistakes of the past?

Many would say that its the terrorists they are going after, but my eyes, the statics, and common sense clearly shows that it's not only the terrorists. The terrors Israel has committed against the people of Palenstine has stretched for over 70 years, Hamas did not come into existence until 1987, well over 40 years of Israeli occupation and violence. I do not support them, but why is fighting back terrorism? Is robbing people of their houses, their livelihood, their families, their lives not an act of terrorism? Is fighting back after 40 years of suppression terrorism? Violence breeds violence, what starts with violence will continue with violence. Yet, in the last weeks, the Israeli government pulls out the "Never Again" card. The hypocrisy. Never again means never again, not just for the Jews who wrongfully suffered, but for everyone out there who faces the same horrors. Yet, the Israeli government, the people who should have been the most empathic of them all somehow turned into the monsters that promised never to be. "Never Again" became "Yet Again" but the oppressed became the oppressors.

A tragedy, perhaps more tragic is how so many people support it. Using the martyrdom and suffering of their predecessors seems to give them endless sympathy, and with that sympathy they use it to fool the world around. Perhaps if they say the earth is flat, shed a couple of tears, and many people would jump ships, scold those who knows the Earth is a sphere while comforting the liars and promising your continued support.

Open your eyes, see the world around you. The world is a beautiful place, so let's work together to make it more beautiful, where never again means never again, where children can grow up with their families, in a peaceful life, without the need to worry about food, water, electricity, healthcare, and a threat of a bomb destroying their entire lives. Let's stand on the right side of history this time, let's stand with humanity. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2023 ⏰

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