APPIERANCE PT. 2 ( edited )

76 8 13

" shit! What now." I said as I coughed up scarlet liquid out of my mouth and nose. Blood. The poison that was injected into me is a lot more than a human can handle. It won't kill me. Probably not.. thus, causing to cough blood as my cells overcome the deadly douse of poison. I wiped of some blood from the back of my hand. While still being on the ground. " Aghh it feels like being burned inside out while still being alive. My skin is itching and turning purple and some of them are still healing!!!"

" Still healing now is it. Hyo hyo join us again and you'll never suffer. So stop fucking retaliating and come with me!!" He yelled as he teleported from his pot from to a pot closest to me.

Suddenly his pot shattered and he quickly teleported to another. " Who the hell..." " Flower breathing fourth form crimson hangoromo. " The user unleashes single sword slash that curves and twist gracefully. Akira landed on the ground beside the broken pot welding a pink nichirin sword !?? And wearing a corpse uniform accompanied by a fluttering pink floral pattern kimono. Her hair was on a pony braid decorated with a black hair clip with a pink lotus clipped to the middle of her scalp.
Her uniform has a light brown touch and has a little opening show casing her neck a little.

When closely observed there was a little pattern or  seems to be their on the left side of her neck. It was more like a mark more than a pattern. It was baby pink with a touch of mint green and yellow. " Tch another pest to deal with. Can this night get any more frustrating" a derange Giyoko said frowning.

" A-Akira" was only thing I can mutter as I was still on the ground pathetically recovering. "As I thought sh-he is like a fragile glass work. In the slightest force can brake it. I'm not a demon expert but it Must be because his pregnancy and the nutrients getting fed to the little one leaving herr-him with only a little so cannot bare a lot of physical damage or die due to it. Even though his upper one and the second most powerful demon he is very vulnerable here and have no strength to fight it. I must protect him at all cost " Akira thought as she came in front of me.

" greetings to the one who will kill you? Such a cruel heart." She said smugly approaching the demon. " Neh that's quite opposite. Oh and aren't you the one who ran away in pathetic tears and abandoned your friend over their. What do you think you got to see illusions of me being killed by some one like you. Do you really think putting on a shitty outfit and carrying a mere sword will give you the ability to kill me by cutting off my gorgeous head????? Huh? "

"Nah, I don't think so. In fact you need a special sword to kill you dumbass. And need one more critical thing. Skills and devotion" Akira said dashing towards him aiming to the neck catching him off guard. He dodged just in time and doged the attack only getting a slash on his cheek that instantly drawer blood.
" How dare you cut my perfectly sculptured face you bitch!!!!"

Gyyoko shouted loud enough to nearly  burst my eardrums. I have never seen Akira swear as she proclaimed that she hated doing it and never saw Giyoko shout madly and that loud at all. Suddenly Giyoko launched towards Akira on full force teleport from pot to pot landing a few attacks on her. There were pots transported every where and that gave him the upper hand. She although was at a disadvantage smashed all the pots learning that if she do that he can't use his attacks.

" Tch stop playing around kid. You can't beat me doing that." He taunted as he teleported to a pot located on a tree branch. He smugly smirked with his abomination of mouths . Teeth glittered in the light as he cackled. " Poison needle fish kill!!!" He yelled. a certain Verities of the fish he created from his vases shoot out poisoned needles. Akira skillfully dodge them in mid air as she counter attacked him with one of her own attacks. " Flower breathing second form honourable shadow plum!" The user releases several rotating sword slashes that deflects incoming physical attacks.

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