Chapter 205: No Right To Declare Self A King

Start from the beginning

His heart kept sinking.

The anger in his heart rose to the extreme.

Those self-destructing flying machines besieged the wyvern troop he valued the most.

Less than 20 people escaped…

They destroyed this troop just like that which had spent countless energy and resources to forge.

The veins on the back of his hand, which held the longsword, were now exposed.


An enormous alchemy bomb exploded not far away from him, and the roar drove him out of his pain.

He turned his head abruptly and saw that the mechanical puppets had already poured into the gap in the city wall. It instantly enraged him.

“Rear troop, block the gap in the city wall. We must not allow the enemy to enter!!

“Arrow tower, suppress the attack!!

“Spell caster troop, immediately cast a spell to support!”

As soon as Sel gave the order, the troop immediately carried it out.

The soldiers did not give up on resisting because of the collapse of the city wall. Their morale was still high.

The troop at the rear flooded into the gap of the city wall like a tide that forcibly blocked the mechanical puppets and the ferocious and twisted monsters.

Arrow tower fired wildly to suppress the enemy!

The catapults on the open ground threw massive rocks in a concentrated manner that bombarded the mechanical puppet troop outside the city.

However, there were too many enemies.

Moreover, they came fully prepared.

In contrast, Bloodhoof City rushed into the battle and lost the initiative. And then they lost the geographical advantage of the city walls.

The troop could not deal with the enemy’s most strapping Alchemy Artillery Corps.

The situation began to collapse uncontrollably.

After the gray-colored dwarves’ alchemy artillery lost its threat, it was like the whisper of death at this moment.

Every bombardment would cause massive damage to Bloodhoof City.

Bloodhoof City’s long-range attack power could not do anything to the enemy. And the gap in firepower between the two sides was astonishing.

Bloodhoof City was now in a state of complete suppression.

There was no way to fight back.

The enemies had slaughtered half of Bloodhoof City’s guards on the city wall half an hour after.

The giant alchemy cannons killed two-thirds of them.

Under the dense coverage, even if the soldiers found the location of the alchemy bombs, it was still difficult to avoid them.

The ambitious Bloodhoof City was in an unprecedented predicament.

The only good news now was that the enemy had not broken through the gap in the city wall.

However, the entire city would fall if the situation continued to deteriorate.

An hour later.

A higher-up commander of Bloodhoof City rushed to the city wall with scars all over his body.

Tears filled his voice.

“Lord Sel!! The enemy almost wiped out our troops!!”

“We can’t hold the city wall anymore. Let’s retreat… Use the streets as the battlefield. Let those damned gray-colored dwarves enter the city. And use the geographical advantage of the streets to destroy them!!”

[201-400] LORD OF THE WORLD: I BECOME THE LORD OF THE DESERT FROM THE STARTWhere stories live. Discover now