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"You're so lucky you don't even realize it." Jasmine said as we went up to my room.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Eugh. Nevermind." She replied, but I knew she meant about Aaron, Ethan, and Grayson.

She plopped on my bed. "Why do you and Grayson hate each other?"

"Well, ever since we were kids, we fought over stupid little things. We matured, but we still don't click." Now that I think about it, maybe we do and I just don't know because we don't try to have a real conversation with each other. If we did, I would know if we have the same humor and we could get a long. But I push that thought aside remembering how bitchy he is.

"But you and Ethan are like close friends." She said.

"Yeah. Ever since we were little, he was like my best guy friend."


I woke up hearing the twins and Jay being loud down stairs. I walked down and just stared with a 'resting bitch face look' at them.

"Is there a problem, Hazel?" Grayson asked me.

"Yeah, I just need you guys to shut up thanks."

"After you brush your hair." He said rubbing my head making it worse.

"Hey, I just rolled out of bed."

"We can tell." My brother said resting his arm on my shoulder as I made myself cereal.

- - -

Grayson's POV:

After walking home from Jay's, Ethan and I chilled on the couch. I viewed Hazel's snapchat story.

"UUUGH! No one cares if your name was spelt wrong on your Starbucks cup!" I said.

"Who?" Ethan asked.


"Dude, stop complaining about her and always bickering with her. Instead, kill her with kindness."

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea." I said after thinking about it twice.

"I know right." He said.

"No, I mean the killing part.. Nah I'm kidding. Some days she's not that bad, and we lowkey laugh together like that one time at gym class... But yeah, I might do that." I said.

- - -


Ethan and I walked into school. I saw Hazel in line about to order some Poptarts that she always gets when she doesn't have time to eat breakfast in the morning.

"Wait, I don't have any money. I'm broke as fuck." She said to Erika.

"No, it's okay buddy," I said patting her back seeing she got startled a little. "I gotchu." I was literally cringing at myself because I never thought I would call her buddy unless I was mocking.

I fed in $3, and punched in the code for a Poptart. After giving it to her, she still had the same "wtf" look the whole time I was doing this for her.

"You're welcome." I said, and walked away. Not a word from her mouth the entire time.


A/N: So I kinda wanted her (girl in the pic) to be Hazel. If you guys aren't happy with it, let me know if I should change her. I don't care.

Annoyed By Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now